Diminishing Returns are bugged and not working as intended?

Rogues are using Cheap Shot Three! Times a row and devs think it’s ok. It’s about time they fix DR on CC and let us play their game.

Being in CC is boring ZZZzzZZZ

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Every CC can be used 3 times, yes. But then again, what difference does it make to you? You’re an orc, you don’t even have to sit full stun duration from anyone :joy:

wait for the losers to show up to tell you that it would require skill to stunlock someone for 10 seconds.its so dumb im literally just playing mobas cause rogues are just stupid.

There is nothing wrong in turning anybody into a target dummy for 7 seconds, it’s pure skill, what are you even talking about

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Rogues do require some skill to play though. But someone that knows how to play a Rogue well can pretty much dominate everything.

Rogue class designer is incompetent and should be fired.

I play melee class, I should feel bad when playing against specs like frost mage, not a BAD rogue, that I got out of stealth, stunned and still got cheap shot AND kidney shot …

What is wrong with you, rogue class designer dude? I agree, having access to stealth abilities in PvE is fun but did you ever think about PvP ???

Here is a suggestion for the junior that had the unfortunate job to read through this forums - make PvE talens too ! This way rogues can have fun in M+ AoE blinding and use every stealth ability while not in stealth but actually use skill in PvP where this talent should not exist. Actually this gives me an idea …

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