DirectX 12 option gone

Haven’t been on WoW for a few weeks, now the option for dx12 is gone. What?

I run a 4080, but the fps with dx11 is horrendous.
Any fix?

Hmmm. Okay, I have an idea. In game write /console SET gxApi “D3D12”.

Now, if it doesn’t immedeatelly work, reopen wow yourself. (for some reason it took me a relaunch to go from 12 to 11 that way.

Didn’t work :confused:

I am also missing DX12. It stopped working on AMD 7900XT properly as it is crashing the graphics driver often and randomly and I was forced to play with DX11. Now that I check, DX12 is gone. Not in options anymore, can confirm. Only 11, 11 Legacy and Auto Detect.

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