From my experience, cross realm PvP really ruins the PvP experience. Firstly, there are PvP servers on which many reasonably good pvp players play (ehm ehm, Firemaw alliance). There was no single bg where I would not meet an alliance player from Firemaw. If you happen to run into a 5-man premade from there, you are pretty much screwed, because to the best of my knowledge there is no “real” horde pvp servers with good pvp players.
It seems to me that 99% bgs are super dominated by alliance and it is a rarity when you meet good enough horde players so that you are maybe able to win.
Also, the ifference in wintegrasp (experienced in ALL wintergrasps so far (at least on cataclysm)). When alliance is defending, (it’s roughly 70% firemaw players) and it is a rarirty if we get a keep tower done. So they just leave after 15 minutes of defending getting 1300 honor.
When HORDE is defending, we get our keep towers destroyed within 5 minutes and we are screwed to defend the courtyard before the relic while hoping there’s atleast 5 people who are willing to press some buttons to the demolishers and we barely even win the game (yes, it is possible to win WG as attacker).
Isle of Conquest: Horde manages to lose even when the alliance keep gate is openečd 2 minutes before horde’s.
Alterac Valley: Horde manages to lose the game even when 3 alliance towers are dead and all horde towers are alive (by not managing to successfully kill boss within next 6 minutes)
So, does anyone else experience this with the horde side or is it just me? I have an idea how to fix this, but this would require “too much work” from blizzard which they are probably not willing to do – just disable cross realm in battlegrounds. Or atleast you can opt in to cross realm and you would queue into your own realm. The issue with 100% horde or alliance realms is already resolved by wargames (you get disguised as the other faction), so this should not be an issue, right?
I did the grind for the IoC tabard in Wrath (which requires 100 wins), and when I got it my win ratio was pretty much 50/50. I do the pvp daily every day in Cataclysm and some days I get it on my first try, other days I have to play 2-5 games. The days I have to play 2-5 games it sure feels like “the alliance is better”, but that’s because I don’t think about the days I get it on my first try.
As for disabling cross realm pvp, that’s an interesting notion. I don’t think it would work as there are so many mono-faction servers, but by disabling cross-server pvp you might actually create a sense of community on a server. There are obvious downsides to this, however, such as longer queue times outside of peak hours. In general, I think people prefer the shorter queue times as they struggle to see the benefit that comes with the lack of cross-server.
I also don’t think that many players play battlegrounds for the fun of it, they just play it for the gear. I’m kind of in that camp as well. I think WoWs BGs are horribly outdated. There are moments of fun, but overall the BG experience can best be described as a drudge. It would have been more fun if there was a sense of community around it but, again, I don’t think that’s possible in WoW.
so you are litterly complaining you get defeated by alliance so you want cross realm pvp to be removed. Cause you lose games?
Thats not how it works bud. The server Situation went this bad, that most alliance (even german) ones went to Firemaw to have an active playerbase. So many from Firemaw arent even premading and a 5 man premade has little impact in the big bg’s.
On my Hunter im litterly one of the 1% of alliance left (Venoxis) so cause of you i now have to stop play bgs cause this change would kill the rest of the players on such servers.
The connection of premades wasn’t exactly to the large bgs, but it seems to me that the people from Firemaw basically outskill and mostly outgear my teammates from the horde side. And indeed it can make a difference in a 10 man warsong gulch (for example). I consider myself higher tier pvp player and I can feel the pain trying to carry alone against 6-7 (even non-premade) guys who are somewhat decent PvP players.
There is an option to be the member of the opposite faction whenever there is not enough horde/alliance player. There is no issue for 100% horde or ali servers. They will just play against each other.
The issue is not on whether side you play (whether you take flags from bottom to top or top to bottom in Warsong Gulch for example), but about the players. There is a clear disbalance across multiple servers (some servers are purely pve, some purely pvp, some purely rp) and it also affects the faction. For example you won’t get a firemaw player (considered good pvp server) on the horde side, because it’s a 100% alliance server). By the way it is no surprise that the best pvp players choose to play alliance (ehm something something human racial) and they are concentrated indeed on the one of the few relevant servers (Firemaw).
to be brutally honest, your suggestion to disable crossrealm PvP because youre tired of losing to firemaw alliance makes you look more like a 40 y/o SoD enjoyer (basically the same as people in SoD crying about shamans/paladins) rather than someone who plays arena
No, I am only doing bgs to get my honor gear so I can finally play arena and will never have to enter bgs again. Sadly, the best honor per hour is wintegrasp, which is compeltely unenjoyable (something something vehicle health points), because you are basically predetermined to win or lose depending on whether you are defending or attacking (spoiler: horde is able to lose even when defending, haha) or doing random bgs, which they (after I almost completed two chars that I was originally interested in) enhanced from 270 honor per win to 560 +120cqp for the first win (haha, also nice job with this blizzard).
So, to summarize, it is frustrating to have to farm for one piece by patiently playing 10 bgs where each lasts 20-25 minutes and I get roughly 150 honor from each.
Seems like everyone on the forums is a multiglad
Yes indeed, but atleast i didn’t swipe my credit card for it as most of people today do
I get your point, farming honor can be annoying, but a better solution would be to fix TB honor which is actually buggy (you should get about 1.5-1.8k for a win, little less than 1k for a loss) while currently a loss gives 200 and a win maybe 450.
But I also dont think that horde has a bad win/lossratio in random bgs right now, it was bad 2 weeks ago when all the competitive arenaplayers (mostly on alliance side) premaded in bgs for fast honor, now you have mostly average joes on both factions in BGs and there isnt rly a big difference between horde and alliance players
Just now, on the Island of Conquest, players from the alliance (firemaw) have defected to the horde. And we still won.
Me and a few firemaw players intercepted the docks.
And this is something you cant balance allround and wont be balanced allround. It’s random bg not ranked bg…
First of all it’s a personal expirience which you cant reflect on how the statistics situation looks. And you can trust me, just because Firemaw has most PvP Alliance most of them arent even that good.
Just recently some Firemaw dude flamed me for not capping the flag cause they killed efc, you know what? they never returned flag by clicking it and he didnt understand it by 3x explanation. You know how many times ive got complete Firemaw Players beeing absolutely dumb zerging at random spots in AB where enemy rogues could turn flags etc?
Most bad Players i’ve seen in bgs are actually from Firmaw cause so many players are from there, I’ve seen alliance losing TB in attack and wintergrasp in defense multiple times so that isnt a horde only issue.