Disable raid in shards! (Nazjatar event)

Again a lose of 58/3000 simply because the moment the Nazjatar event starts a LFG raids enters and immetdiatly camp the towns and towers. What is the Alliance to do? make a counter raid? You will get sharded away. Fight back? How? Vastly outnumbered. The moment the battle was ‘won’ by the Horde all of them phased out. Every single one of them bounties included.

Sorry to say like this but 8.2 WPvP is worse than it was pre-8.1 fixes for Alliance. Mechagon (however you spell it) I’m constantly surrounded by Horde aswell, seeing Alliance is a rare sight.

I never made a thread myself, not even during the awefull months where I was one of the few Alliance left on WM, but this is absurb. It’s even more worse than back then.


Yeah blizzard should fix it right now. But as a GM saied to me: there will be no solution in a acceptable time. So they just outwait what happens. If it was otherwise it would be fixed next wed like it was on 8.1.

The thing pre 8.1 was: more zones and two continents. Now you have two islands only and theyr small and blizzards sharding is not working - thats why these 40-raidgroups exists. I did fight with tickets to blizzard but theyr ignorant and dont give hope or at least a info like „we know - we give feedback to devs“. They gave tips like:

  • turn of wm
  • do BOD raid
  • do m+
  • dont enter new zones

I just left really disapointed about customer SERVICE and of commitement. Sharding sucks - blizzard knew it and they just tolerate it. Sad but they wont fix it cause we‘r not horde who creats 1000 of Tickets and Treads same time.

Well if they don’t I will do the same as this thread:

Edit: i git it. But no turn of WM is not the solution.

I dint get what he is doing and what you will do also. But i read that postings earlier this day. A lot of more.

Maybe it’s the only way, to get this sharding and general WM balance fixed. Don’t give Horde victims/free kills anymore. Let them complain 24/7 how hard it is to find a single Alliance to kill. The entirity of 8.0-8.1 didn’t anger me as much as these 5 days of 8.2 did.

Yes it’s not the ultimate solution, I enjoy WM when it’s relativly balanced and you have atleast a fighting chance. Hence why I hate joining raids, since you just roflstomp the enemy instead.

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Ye turn off wm :slight_smile:

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I really have no clue why you defend this unbalanced mess (the worst it’s ever been), I should be running around inr aids 24/7! Screw getting the rep or do anything so I won’t be in phases 24/7 where it’s Horde, Horde and even more Horde. Around every corner…

“Oh look anathor Alliance, let’s hel… Oh his fight just turned from 1vs2 into a 1vs7”

Can’t even help, worst part not every Horde is agressive it’s clear many don’t like it but every time I fight back against the one person who attacks I get swarmed in seconds. Yes call me a coward but I either just stand there to get killed at this point or flee with a globlin glider.

Turn WM off when raids are the things that ruin the Nazjatar event, almost thinking you’re playing Horde as a main.

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Sometimes farming alliance in a raid might be problematic as you can get sharded away when you invite too many people to the raid. Especially annoying during the WPvP event in Nazjatar when you get sharded just as you’re about to win.

Noticed the sweet spot is somewhere between 25 and 30 people. Getting more, especially 40 will almost certainly make the sharding go crazy.

OK, the obvious solutions has already been said: turn off WM.

New patch and new content with new PvP and we already have complains about WPvP. I understand what happens when BfA was released. Alliance were surprised by WPvP and horde domination felt unfair. But the time passed and allies got everything they needed to catch up and get into game including most unfair solutions; the solutions that were mostly used by fresh players who then did not care about PvP at all. But majority accepted that and let everyone who wanted get into game, even though there were a lot of complains about complains and crying, etc. Now, everyone is geared and “experienced” enough to participate, as far as I can see. If you cannot find players to participate in WPvP, really, what else can Blizzard do?

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The reason horde raids forming is as simple as this;
You need atleast 1 kill to be rewarded for winning the event but because barely any alliance play with Warmode on compared to the number of Horde that play with WM (this has been the case since pre patch) this forces Horde players to jump from shard to shard in big raid groups trying to find a single alliance to kill.
This then forces alliance to do the same but find a phase they’re actually winning in to shard away from the horde.

Simple short term fix is Alliance players need to get their thumbs out of their mouths and start playing with WM on.

long term is blizz need to sort out their “faction balance” algorithm or IMO make warmode a layering feature instead of a shard one, spread to the server load using the layering tech from Classic and would improve warmode by allowing you to see bounties etc in zones outside the one ur in.

We wont complain. Dont worry. We will be happy to roam freely and do wq with 10% bonus. Yeah i know is a low %, but its better than nothing.

But in march, when that “famous” AOO was, when the alliance was wiping the entire game of hordes, then you wasnt angry? Only now? :slight_smile:

let’s be honest, you are just a shameful troll, who whines on the forums because of some event that happen to boost the Alliance and you didn’t get to cry about it now, then again horde have always been the bad guys so run along back to the cave you stepped out of and go rep farm. that’s what we all here to do, getting pathfinder fam.

That would probably sort everything out.

I am not sure I understand how this “layering feature” works. It’s clear that current system is far from perfect because Alliance seem to be outnumbered while Horde have troubles to find an opponent. So it doesn’t work for both factions. This is exactly the same situation when BfA started. There are still brave souls who fight against odds :slight_smile:

Oh you just want Horde mode thta is clear, “We need Allaince to kill, because we shamelessy cmap any one we find 24/7!”. Blzizard: "Oke Alliance join WM and for massive imbalance you get some extra gold and AP (the egar is thrash from the quest). You: “OMG that is unfair!”.

No in your eyes me being outnumbered heavily in mechagon every single day is somehting I should be gratefull for, I cac hardly kill rares and if i do only few low health ones… The WQ to save 8 gnomes took 15 minutes. I wanna see these mythical Alliance favored shards because how it is going now, it’s simply draining my soul.

For a fun fact log an Alliance and Horde and look at custom, that’s all the proof theire is needed we need the factions rebalanced. Odd times? GL as Alliance while Horde still has groups, albeit few. At prime times you can count groups on one or if lucky 2 hands as Alliance. But atleast they should try to balance WM, know what too bad then for the 90% who don’t encounter Alliance. It’s WPvP they seek and they claim racials make no difference? So why won’t they reinforce the Alliance?

Disable raids = multiple party sized groups flocking together instead.

Geez. People here defending the broken system just for the sake of arguing. When game is 0v40 most of the time (for either side) it is not fun and its certainly not wpvp. Its player versus timer, no fun, no reward, no nothing. I feel bad for the few hordies i sometimes find that everybody around swarm to and farm before they phase away to a different shard. Sharding is broken and its making the game a mess. They could as well replace players by ai, because thats how much humanly those random people phasing in and out feel.

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