Disable the "event text pop up"?

I’ve not found any way to remove the little “banner” that pops up if you enter a wq area or for example when getting higher rep or especially during the cooking event whenever it switches between a task you need to do and the base"wait for task" screen. It blocks the center of the screen from being clicked, and stays longer if your mouse hovers over it, so is especially annoying in combat when a wq completes in the middle of a big pull.

As someone playing with an increased interface size so i can see the text of side-bar quests and buttons better, it’s really annoying as it zooms this to even bigger size.

Not entirely sure which banner you mean as there are a couple of them. But do you mean the talking head? (The one with a portrait on the left and text at the side of it).

If that’s the one you mean then you can use an addon to hide it. The one i use:


If that’s not the one, then i’d guess you mean the Alert frame. I’ve no idea if you can disable that though and probally shouldn’t as it’s repsonsible for many things. I just use the MoveAny addon to move it from the center of my screen as i also find it annoying.


P.S. Should also mention that you should be able to dismiss any of those popups by right-clicking on them, without addons.

neither of those sadly, it’s the one that says things like “radiant echos, defeat the lich king” in the yellow text in middle of screen

Ah, got ya now!

I think the MoveAny addon could probally move it as it can move most things. At a guess it would be the “Ui Error Messages, Quest Progress” option but i havn’t tested it myself.

Might be an addon for removing/hiding it but i don’t know of any to suggest. Possible that removing it might also remove other things too though, like error messages or boss mechanic alerts in instances and such.

Sorry to vent, but I too am fed up with the UI clutter centre screen. I fooled around with MoveAny but there are some toasts you can’t disable. I ended up trying to move them behind other elements or reduce them in size until they were tiny specks. The worst offender is that new loot window that sprays a giant list of loot vertically across your window. I already have a normal loot window that I can tuck away. Why do I need two? Grrrr.

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I completely agree with you and I find all these extra unneeded things popping up in the middle of the screen, usually at the most inconvenient time, really annoying too.

Looting bosses for example is just a headache. You get the loot list, the roll window, the loot alerts and vault unlock alert all at once… then a stupid cinematic on top of it :pensive:


Try this: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/move-event-toast


thanks! that one worked!

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