Disable warband mentored leveling?


Why did Blizzard make it so now I can’t disable Warband Mentored Leveling?

I usually play with a friend who is a new player, and we level up characters together doing every expansion in order (just finished TBC so a long way to go still), but if I’m not able to disable this, we won’t be able to stay at the same level with our characters, since she doesn’t own or even play TWW.

Is there any way to disable it?

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Read that you can just click it to unbuff like anything else but it will come back again when you relog once more. Not tried it as not done an alt yet from my main.

You can right click the XP buff to remove it, will be reapplied if you relog with that character.

They disabled that

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Not anymore since it was hotfixed today.

What!!! I missed that…Why??? LMAO it wasn’t broke, why fix it…

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Yeah… No reason to do it, and now I won’t be able to level up my alt army to 80 if I want to have the same level as my friend when I play with her.

“Oh look it’s release day. Let’s implement something stupid. AGAIN” - Dev Team, probably

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You can always use party sync when playing with your friend in a group.
Doesn’t matter what level you are and how far you progressed.

It’s not way to fix your problem of disabling the extra exp buff
but it’s a way to play together without problems of leveling out of each others reach.

Been using it allot with friends and guildies, works but still isn’t perfect.


I know, I guess I will do this.

However, playing with someone new to the game (and even gaming in general) I didnt wan’t her to feel underleveled or underpowered just because I play the new expansion and have level 80 characters.

For now I will keep my alts at 79 until I really need them at 80.
Thank you anyways!

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