Disappearance of Auctions

I have created multiple auctions today that seem to have vanished from the auction house. They do not appear in my auctions list (they rarely do since launch but others still existed), they do not appear when I specifically search for the item (I know since I posted at a specific price), the current cheapest options are above my selected price without me ever receiving an in-game message that my item sold. Due to that I assume it was never actually posted and just vanished.
At the same time I have sold an item and was able to see the gold (75k) should have arrived in the mail in 11 minutes. This was several hours ago and no mail has arrived.

Considering the cumulative value of these items has surpassed 350k, I would like to know if anyone else has these problems and if they/my gold can be recovered.


This just happened to me too, I put in items for around 500k and to my horror they didn’t show in the list of my auctions afterwards.
Thought it might be because of the lag, so waited around 15 min but they are still missing.

Same here, ~200k gold value equivalent of items got lost in the AH void (missing for more than half of day)

Same here ~200k of Sold Auctions jsut disappeared. I havent recieved any mail for hours now. Im about to lsoe my mind.

lost the items i posted on the AH… need my gold back ffs

Same for me as well, I lost all I got on the AH today. Over 100k and I don’t have anything on my mailbox or in the AH. The AH has been a pain in the butt all these days, and now, all of a sudden, boom, all disappeared.

I’m starting to get really pissed off. Two weeks after my Guild Bank banished, I lost my auction house items. And Blizzard doesn’t seem to adress any of these problems. Nothing.

They do address it but I think we have to remember that sometimes their mess ups are so bad that they don’t actually know how to fix it.
Or the fix just breaks something else… I have a feeling that things suddenly disappearing in the AH is related to trying to the gbank issue and/or AH lag.
I’m super excited and can’t wait to see what’s next - characters disappearing?

I’ve had the same issue this morning.

I’ll give making a bit of money a go I thought…put up some expensive enchants and they just vanished…

Blizz…fix and refund please!

WAs on this toon not the WArlock above!

I posted over 100k worth of mats and other mats. They didn’t show up at all, and i can’t find them to cancel them as well!

This is getting ridiculous, and sadly I don’t believe blizzard will compensate us for that loss

Update - part of items appeared on AH listing after 24h. Seems they wont be lost, but suggest avoid selling stuff right now

So maybe my 3 items for sale will show up tomorrow :rofl:

I got mine back after 12H , then i sold them (losing around 10% of profit) then went to sell extra mats aaaand they are bugged.

Update: my listings showed up on AH after ~24h too

I’m relived you guys are getting your items back. That’s a lot of gold.

Solved. They appeared again in my mailbox as missing objects