Disappearing ores!

Ooh look! An overloaded mining thingy!

It has happened to me quite a lot lately, just when I’m about to finish mining, the ore disappears. Back in the day one would disappear when someone else was mining it. But they removed that. Now… I’ve got to deal with this.

Can someone explain to me why… how? No, it’s not due to (quest)phasing, I’ve tried that theory many times.

Once someone mines a node, tha node is still available to others for a short while.
Saddenly, devs didn’ consider that it’s not right to let the ore disappear while we are mining or collecting it. It would be enough to add a command that stops the timer when a player is mining already. Too much work for the devs probably or maybe they just enjoy trolling players, because that’s how we feel when it happens several times in a row. 1st of April every day for mining…


They just need to add timer over a node after it was mined so everyone can see that it’s going to disappear in a second.


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