Disarm protection during Doom Winds

Do you think disarm protection would be a nice touch?
I personally think yes , seeing as it’s a legendary power? Being able to just disarm you is completely poggers
Can’t disarm a warriors bladestorm and that’s just a general ability

I think in 9.2 I will just play Frostwitch or Wolf Bones with Ele Blast Ele Spirits build. Doomwinds is so one dimensional and easily countered. Imo enhance was never a good spec for telegraphed burst windows since we miss the required setup tools for such a gameplay style. (No instant cc’s) For me, enhance was always about consistent pressure and the other legendaries support this style much more…


You will still play Doom Winds unless enemies have 1-2 disarms and swap for Frostwitch in these matchups probably playing Lashing Flames (mostly against meelecleaves as you want to keep maelstrom on heals) as it actually does really nice single target damage. With 9.2 buffs it might actually be really good. Elemental Blast might be good alternative in some matchups (castercleaves).

I don’t think Wolf Bones will be good. I tried it few times season one and it doesn’t feel that good.

Cheers for the replies guys !
Gonna follow this closely and upgrade my FW leggo and test it out a bit more
It’s just gutting when you get disarmed

Do agree that there should be more consistent damage though. The fact that Adence with DW is disgusting damage but not much happens outside of that is very annoying

I’d also like to see tweaking to x5 stack healing surge. Yes it’s a strong heal but going oom sucks while Paladins are just laughing in WoG… and ferals.
Same with bloodlust talent. The mana cost is broken

Ascendance with Frost Witch is still a good boost to your damage and Stormstrike really pumps. You will have way more sustain damage. Depends if meta will be more one shot or sustain damage oriented. Early 9.1 was more one shot while 9.1.5 turned more into dampen games.

You literally never play Bloodlust since it got nerfed. You play Swelling Waves (must have), Grounding if there is anything to Ground and Ride the Lightning/Static Field Totem/Thundercharge. These are your talents Bloodlust is dead because using it with Windfury Totem means you lost 50% mana. You can’t afford it.

Next patch Healing Surge will heal less but we are more likely to use Chain Harvest more due to CD reduction.

When did it get nerfed? When playing with a warrior it just felt great to give them lust + thundercharge and seeing them pump but yeah the mana is crazy. I always take Swelling waves, and then swap between grounding/static field/ and thundercharge. How good is ride the lightning?

Nothing to compensate ? Better see the same treatment for Paladins WoG and ferals then…

I think i’m gonna try Frost Witch a lot more. Cheers bro :beers:

It was between 9.0 and 9.0.5. Basically it wasn’t even nerf. Heroism always had such mana cost Bloodlust for some reason didn’t. People asked for mana cost removal on Heroism but Blizzard put it on both instead. Top Enhancers instantly stopped playing Shamanism as Enhancement cannot afford spending half of their mana. Also you shouldn’t spam Purges as Enha or use Windfury Totem outside of Doom Winds window because mana has too much value for you. I usually use 1-2 Purges at best.

It’s nothing special - good in cleaves but not a big deal. It can help in longer games to make enemy healer spend more mana but it’s just the best of bad choices you can take. Oh and it will be better with Frostwitch as you will prest Stormstrike way, way more.

I played it already in 9.0 versus Warrior/WW teams since they always disarmed you on Doom Winds and you lost all value of the legendary. Disarms have shorter CD than Doom Winds so they literally had it for every go. Frostwitch pumps 100% you just don’t have that 100-0 go. Instead you deal very high sustain damage. Back in S1 it was Demon Hunter level damage. Nowadays it will be probably lower since Necro DH is overuned.

This reminds me of car insurance in the UK ages ago. Female drivers insurance was cheaper than males by default and when investigated , they just increased the female price :joy: I don’t mind it costing mana but 20% with sht defensives is :grimacing:

Appreciate this tip. I did use WF totem outside of DW as I thought it was core, but i also didnt realise it cost 1200 ish mana till just now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yup definitely gonna take this for a test drive :smiley:

I quite like having more sustain damage anyway and DW is great untill literally anything stops the go. I’m only playing at low CR with friends atm but they’re both 2.2 on alts having a laugh haha

You will like Frost Witch. Every time you spend 5 maelstrom you get Stormstrike proc that actually deals 30% more damage. It doesn’t matter if it’s Healing Surge, Chain Harvest or stupid Lightning Bolt. There are also two options you can play either Lashing Flames or Elemental Blast. Lashing Flames with Lava Lash change might be quite good idea vs meelecleaves and Elemental Blast when you are focused more on single target and trust me it pumps hard. In season 1 I could hit 11-15 k Elemental Blasts. With buffs to the conduits it might actually turn into 20-25 k hits. Elemental Blast also gives you extra stats.

New set bonus also is more sustain target oriented. With Frostwitch it might end dealing insane amount of sustain damage with Ride the Lightning. I don’t know if you played BFA season 1 when Enha was insanely strong but based on sustain damage. It literally feels like that iteration of Enhancement Shaman. This set bonus synergizess also more with Frostwitch so I’m still thinking if Frostwitch won’t end up being go to lego.

  • NEW Stormspirit (2-Set) Spending Maelstrom Weapon has a 3% chance per stack to summon a Feral Spirit for 9 sec.
  • NEW Stormspirit (4-Set) Your Feral Spirits’ attacks have a 20% chance to trigger Stormbringer, resetting the cooldown of your Stormstrike.

Quick delete it before everyone realises :joy: This sounds sick and quite wild in a good way. Didn’t think blast would hit anything like that. Maybe 5-8k sort of damage.

I’ve seen the set bonus and I personally think it’s quite good. I quit in BFA due to the GCD change. It felt absolutely vile and I hated HoA neck and all the crap powers that went along with the pieces. Actually levelled my Enh sham on launch of BFA too haha

Haha you might be right. Also what I’m not sure about is if it’s worth actually sacrificing some stats for Mastery. So far we all went Versa > Haste > Crit on Enha because Haste gave us more procs and faster globals to use Grounding or other heals fast whenever we need and Crit since it had defensive value (Heals could crit) but since I play with Resto conduit increasing Healing Surges by 20% when I use Healing Stream Totem and with Maelstrom Weapon conduit buff I’m not sure if it’s necessary. We will already heal for full HP. Maybe it’s actually worth going some Mastery (especially on these 4 set pieces) to buff Flame Shock, Ride the Lightning, chance for Stormstrike reset and Lightning Bolt/Elemental Blast damage. I still need to test few things. If you want just download PTR and try it yourself.

The only reason I still played Doom Winds is that Season 1 meta was more about 100-0 kills and early season 2 was even burstier. We will see how season 3 will end up being.

You can only regret. Enha in S1 BFA was something else. Just raw damage destroying everything on it’s path. Highest dps spec in arena. The only problem was ache in my finger from spamming Stormstrike haha.

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