🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

In the early hours of the morning, a group of goblins drop off some supplies, decorating the outside, and interiors of the bar. The bar will remain like this until the end of Brewfest. Wreaths with wooden pretzels, straw and brown flags, decorative kegs even enchanted to look filled.

Happy Brewfest!

It was only for a moment. Perhaps because of a worker who had a sudden realisation that the stove was on at home, or perhaps it was just that brief time between the goblin workers going home from Brewfest decorating until the original staff returned, but that time had been enough.

When the Family return to the tavern they’ll find a nine-inch nail loosely in the lock and a note bolted to the frontdoor:

"Chiel Nightweaver
We have delivered your hippogryph as per contract.
You’ll find it in your bathroom.
Kind regards, The Pale Coins Mr W, T, A, L, B."

When the door open you might just hear a thrashing noise from the guests bathroom.

((We regret absolutly nothing))

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A sign is posted on the door of the bar.


Keep checking by every now and then to see when we’re open again!

The sign has been changed to have new additions in the early hours of the morning by a group of goblins.

Closed until the sixth of next month! See you then!

It’s been another long few weeks of intense intrigue/conflict roleplay, and I have nothing but thanks and praise to everyone that was involved.

A massive thank you to Mandi Shortfuse, Kilgun and Ghemma Oilchains for providing assistance in the failed capture of Kaziik Stringweaver. Emotions were high and tense throughout.

Another extra thank you to Toq for providing his own awesome intrigue to the plot, and generally for giving me some great investigation roleplay not just for this, but for the past few months now. :+1:

Special thanks to Frank Willburr (Caporegime) who’s failed betrayal started the whole thing. Frank will always hold a special place in our hearts regardless of how badly he wanted to take over The Family and murder Chiel in the process.

A massive thank you to Gwylathiel Emberborn as well, who did the killing blow on Kaziik Stringweaver with assistance from Chiel. Couldn’t have done it without you, and of course, big thanks to Kaziik for taking the blow and the Conflict RP so well and in his stride! Myself and Kaziik started this guild and project together, and on Ireshka he will continue to assist until she’s suitable IC to be in an Officer position.

More honourable mentions to Rakihu and the Serpent Sisterhood for kidnapping Chiel (for now the third time in her life) in an attempt to protect her. I was laughing for the majority of that roleplay, especially when Chiel realised that it wasn’t in an attempt to harm her.

I wasn’t there for it, but special extra thanks to the crew of the Bilgewater Batallion and Ronin. I heard at least second hand that you guys were involved in Kaziik’s plot to try to trick Toq out of his position, so I can only thank from a bystanders view, considering Chiel was in a cell for the entire day with no clue what was happening.

And, of course, thank you to the Guild for being there every step of the way. For providing assistance and aid in trying to capture Kaziik, for taking the hits when they came, and especially to Jagro and Braindrinker, who entered with no clue of what was going on and still did an amazing job.

Lastly: Thank you to Centurion Chayan, who settled the debate between Toq and Kaziik and the announcement in Orgrimmar for the case. The entire night of being locked up with absolutely no clues or hints as to what was going on in the surface was honestly some of the best roleplay I’ve had in a long time.

All in all awesome RP from everyone involved. It would appear that, finally, there’s an end to all the intrigue, betrayal, and killing: but it won’t remain that way forever…


A group of goblins remove the ‘closed’ sign and the others of the holiday dates. Seem the bar is back open for business! But… why didn’t the owner remove the sign herself?

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A note appears on the door, no one knows when held in place by a dagger. It reads “I am watching, The next time harm trys to approach my charges the one trying will die.”

Also Bump for a great guild even if the boss does hate me. :stuck_out_tongue:


Samouzu would’ve finally paid a visit to the bar since ages, bringing. You guessed it, some charms and nice looking carved statues, all displaying laughing monkey’s holding mugs. He’d dot the monkey statue on the bartop and hang some of the charms and dreamcatchers on the walls. On his way out, he’d stick a note underneath the other note! Held in place by a needle. “You’re a frog.” on the note

Later on, both notes seem to have been removed, as has the dagger.

We don’t hate you, Gibs! Feel free to have a chat with us in game. We’re not monsters. :heart:

I’d like to give a major thanks to Bicko of the Bilgewater Biweekly for writing about us in her newspaper! The latest issue features an interview with the illustrious owner of the Kindred Spirits bar. Read all about it here!

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It seems that one or two grunts are permanently stationed outside of the Bar, for whatever reason, alternating where they are and how many at all times. Seems they’ll be here for the foreseeable future (or, at least, until recalled back to the Barracks…)

Not one, but five posters go up for these troublesome… well, five. Including one for a spider. They seem situated in only Orgrimmar, at the gates to Azshara, and on noticeboards around the Valley of Honor. Seems they’ll probably spread before long.


Want to chase them down? Usernames from top to bottom are Jackochoco, Ireshka (including her spider), Orileacz and Aseen. If trying to find out more about the events that went down, or for any other information, message an Officer (Ireshka, or ChĂ­el). Ireshka does not accept Conflict RP from the Sixty Thieves.


We’ll be opening up a new shop in Orgrimmar soon! I’ve already updated this thread with the partial details, but check back every now and again for updates with it, where we’ll be. It’s going to be a General Goods store, and of course, a similar theme to the Bar. We’re still finalising the details, but we’ll be opening it very soon!


We’re now officially affiliated with the Serpent Sisterhood! To commemorate the occasion, we’ve added a section on here for all future Guild affiliates. Take a look-see at it (especially if your Guild would be interested in an affiliation with us), and remember that the affiliation is not public knowledge in character. At least, not yet. :wink:


A sign has been spun on the door. It reads…

Temporarily closed due to staffing issues!

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The sign seems to have already been removed. The ‘staffing issues’ must have been fixed very quickly…

The grunts stationed outside the bar also seem to have been sent back to the Orgrimmar barracks.

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A bounty poster has come up for a familiar face, to some. It reads the following:

Goblin has been seen in Orgrimmar hiring citizens and civilians to commit a murder. His employees have been seen beating up the locals and committing kidnappings. Such a goblin is a danger and hindrance and should be stopped at all costs. APPROACH WITH CAUTION. Dek is likely insane and should be treated as such.

If claiming bounty, please take a poster to the Orgrimmar City Bank to be verified, and extend a letter across for a Kadthel Daenaria. Responses will be given in due course. Reward first come first serve only!

Small male goblin. Covered in jewellery from head to toe. Tattoo’d knuckles of the words ‘PAY DAY’. Seems anxious and on edge, perhaps for good reason. Embellishes his sentences. Has been seen with three orcs around him, one called ‘Rocnar’.

((OOC: You must be killable if you are wishing to kill Dek, as he is entirely killable! Please message Dek or one of our Officers for enquiries on this poster.))

It would appear that all of the posters have been removed for Dek Hardspark. Enquiries into it would detail briefly that the bounty was claimed and turned in, but not by who or what happened. Kadthel Daenaria herself appears to not even exist - was she ever a real person in the first place?

I want to say a massive thank you to everyone that was involved in this weeks bout of Conflict RP! Last night saw an end to not one, but two characters, and I can only give my thanks to the following groups/people for their involvement…

Dek Hardspark, Rocnar, Jekle, Rhajani, and everyone else from The Hardspark Cartel for providing amazing antagonists and being a good sport throughout. Thank you all for taking blows and giving amazing RP and excellent characters/development!

Trautfizzle and the Bilgewater Batallion for taking time out of their schedule to drop down on a rather short notice period. I love how you all just winged this with no problems whatsoever; thank you all for being so patient throughout no matter what happened and for taking and conducting the RP well! I can only apologise for the lack of organisation (I didn’t expect such a quick response time)!

Rakihu, Mith’cha, Alryette, Vameia, Malyan and others in The Serpent Sisterhood for offering their assistance within the whole debacle. We’re only sorry you guys didn’t manage to get to him first. I’d like to say that hopefully we’ll be able to give much more opportunities on targets in the future, but if that’s the case - I hope they’re not our own!

Mardock and his mysterious benefactors for dropping by at, again, last minute notice. It was already getting really late at that point and I’m glad you at least managed to see the end and the aftermath from it all. A pleasure doing business with you, and may our future dealings be far more profitable in the future to come!

Of course, a thank you to The Family, especially Ireshka and Raeliyha. I don’t need to thank my own guild, but I will do anyway, as these two especially showed up 24/7 as much as they possibly could and were willing to dedicate so much of their time to both the IC and OOC. Ireshka has now been made an IC Ancestor as well - a promotion well deserved!


A massive thank you to Thorne and Caelrynn for acting as bystanders throughout it all and giving input where they possibly could. I sincerely hope you at least enjoyed what you saw of the debacle, at one point I do remember having Chiel and others hunting avidly to try to find the both of you but alas, IC did not work out to plan! Maybe future revenge is in store…? Not to give any ideas, of course…

My apologies if I missed anyone out. It’s been incredibly hectic and I can only thank everyone else within the community who may have caught wind of it or offered minor assistance for injuries/healing (thank you Chrigael Sufferthorn for assisting in that one especially!) I just hope that the next time this happens (please, oh please, let this be the last and final coup) we have just as much enthusiasm for it as before.


First time I’ve actually had to write a post as a bump.

I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas, and that 2020 to come is better than the last!

We’re still open to applications and have seen an absolute spike of activity down in Azshara. Come down to the bar and socialise with us!

You should’ve told me to bump the thread!

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