We are currently at Sea!
With our ship returning from Khaz Algar and picking us up in Gadgetzan, we will be making stops at Zandalar and finally Kezan!
Earthen, Troll and Goblin applicants are ESPECIALLY welcome
The guild thrives on social RP and relationship building both with people outside of the guild and among each other.
The role of new characters to the guild is to learn the intricacies of the Sisterhood and discover ways of co-coordinating sabotage and assassination attempts. Once these expectations are met, a sister will be eligible for her first promotion.
A Scale or above is to understand the nature of working as a team and how to cover other sisters' weaknesses with their own strengths. Essentially a Scale always has at minimum two strategies for each approach that are executable with present sisters at hand; a result of their training as initiates. That way it doesn't matter how 'good' or 'powerful' a character is as long as she cannot innately cooperate with her sisters without exposing the Sisterhood to unnecessary risk.
As the Sisterhood develops, its upper ranks will further expand into a council represented by various races to best coordinate the Sisterhood's efforts and align its course to fit the image envisioned by the council.
Are you currently involved in a storyline?
Several in UNDERMINE! We're open for colalboration! You don't even have to be a guild!
Guildless, applying, or just trying to arrange for/keep up with RP with us? Here is a nice battle.net group you can join, specifically intended for non-guildies. (Don't worry, I'm not kicking you guildies out of it. That would be silly)
Warning: Your battletag will be showing!
Alternately, feel invited to poke your snoot into our discord!
[RP]Economy Style:
High Tier:
- 20 gold is affordable to the average citizen
- quality/magical tools of war range from hundreds up to thousands of gold
- mechanical vehicles cost gold coins to maintain
Type: Assassin's Sisterhood
Style: Tight-knit, shady and hedonistic
Combat: Mostly DM adventure; RP-PvP up for debate
Focus: Social/Tavern
Restrictions: Only female races; lowest rank has an inactivity limit of 14 days (exceptions may apply)
Faction IC: Independent
Faction OOC: Horde / Alliance
RP days/pattern?
We normally socialize on evenings and RP out training (unless we have been hired) once a week.
Across the week, RP outside of the guild may be coupled with exercises that involve persuasion techniques or information gathering on a targeted specific group or person.
Training itself is split into a 4-week system that pertains close combat, ranged combat, alchemy and engineering/trapping/adv. tools.
To incentivize self-driven inclusion into the Sisterhood (and minimize unnecessary risks), initiates may not participate in contracts until they have ascended to Scales.
Aspiring new heights, Rakihu Duskrose founded an assassin's sisterhood based on tight-knit mentorship, results, and blending in. Taking inspiration from non-orcish cultures that have been revering the serpent as a symbol of intellect, fertility, and birth-and-death-invoking, the Sisterhood of the Serpent defines itself as a foul-mouthed, smack-talking, partying yet very caring group of hedonistic all-is-fair-in-love-and-war assassins.
If you seek independence, access to the free world, and somebody to lean on, the sisterhood is there for you.
OOC Information:
The Sisterhood of the Serpent is a guild based on an original concept (although somewhat inspired by works like Ovid's Metamorphoses and a few mercenary stereotypes) of a hedonistic, consequent, if not very violent assassin society consisting of solely women. Said women may have wildly varying moral alignments that can both work well and clash with each other - but at the end of the day, business is business.
Though in a constant process of fleshing out, the development of the guild itself is to be a consequence of roleplay. Therefore you will only see updates as we set them in stone in-character.
The Premise
Rough and boastful as any other mercenary company, the Sisterhood of the Serpent stands out as one of the few, if not the only one, bands solely comprised of women open to contract offers from anyone and anything looking for mutual benefits.
Though they are loyal from the start of a contract to its finish, the Sisterhood isn't afraid of taking liberties. Unfair and unconventional tactics are what make them both infamous and attractive as a company. Furthermore it is said that with enough alcohol at hand, they are all too willing to entertain for entire nights. This, much to the buyer's misfortune, may however only happen - without exception - on their terms.
The Sisterhood often represents itself through an intertwined pair of snakes. These not only serve to represent their unity, femininity and predatorial traits, but further represent knowledge, cleverness, cunning, guile, intellect, subtlety, passion and life-and-death. The further one invests herself into the Sisterhood, the more understanding she will gain in what the serpent truly represents for the Sisterhood, and live by its figurative totem.
The Ranks
The Sisterhood of the Serpent has a clear-cut organization. Before joining, however, an Aspirant must prove themselves worthy of initiation into the Sisterhood. For this purpose, aspirants are required to adapt a daily routine wherein they can prove both their suitability and progress. On the bottom of the list are the Initiates. These can be presumed of little to no value until they can prove themselves. Despite this assumption, however, the sisters do look after their newcomers and ensure that they will once become a useful addition to their society.
Once a sister has been declared proven, she ascends to the rank of Scale. As each scale on a serpent forms the beast's skin, so do Scales make up for the bulk of the Sisterhood. They live to serve and protect the Sisterhood's interests, but much as a snake can sheds its skin, so can the Sisterhood dismiss its scales without a second thought should they prove to be of no use in the competitive 'free world'.
An experienced Scale is considered a Fang. Though there are only so few of them at a time, Fangs are the pride of the Sisterhood, for without fangs a snake has no bite. Fangs are well-versed in the Sisterhood's tactics and are not afraid to use curses, poisons and diseases to weaken their prey. Rumor has it that as the proverbial tip of the blade they receive personal training from the head of the Sisterhood herself.
Though, not all Scales are cut out for the rigid expectations and the weight that rests upon a Fang's shoulders. These sisters can still serve the Sisterhood as its Eyes, seizing opportunities to further their agenda, and organizing - even leading - Scales and Initiates throughout a multitude of missions and tasks.
At all times, the Sisterhood will assign a Quartermaster to manage its riches and inventory. These sisters are typically versed in accounting and economics and are responsible for providing the women of this almost cult-like society with the tools they need to succeed.
Finally, just underneath the leader of the Sisterhood, are the Heads of the Sisterhood - a council, each sister unique by race or culture, that oversees the progress of the members of the Sisterhood next to providing valued counsel to their mentor. The council consists of each race that speaks Common respectively and are excessively loyal to Rakihu Duskrose herself
While most similar companies and societies take new recruits with barely to no contract, entry into the Sisterhood is strictly overseen by its mentor and her council of Heads. In order to gain entry, an applicant has to be deemed fit by a majority of the council to be considered a valid candidate. This is however not a guarantee for membership as the applicant will still require approval from the leader of the company herself before they can finally consider themselves a Sister of the Serpent.
Almost cult-like in their nature, an ascending sister has to go through an entire ceremony, including preparations, in order to be promoted to the next level. Unlike other companies, however, it is impossible to apply for a promotion per se.
Instead, the head of the Sisterhood handpicks its valid candidates. Once chosen, a sister has to - knowingly or not - undergo a trial set upon them by the Mentor herself. Should she pass her trial, she will undergo a rite of passage as prepared by the head of the Sisterhood.
It is rumored that only the Sisterhood may spectate these rites. It is also rumored that when a sister undergoes a rite of passage, she is to drink snake venom out of a goblet. It is of course possible that all these rumors spring from the almost cult-like use of narcotics and hallucinogen that give the spectators the impression of a snake deity possessing the drinker of its children's fluids and challenging them to a duel of wills.
Whichever the truth, the only way to find out is through ascension.
How you can join:
In order to apply for membership, you can either post in this thread, contact us ingame, let me know through battle.net via https://blizzard.com/invite/yPkVJIa2r or visit our Discord at: https://discord.gg/ZmFBupt
Questions? Ask them here or in our Discord!