🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

It was resolved in that a guild can choose who they want to recruit into their community and decided that OP was not such a person

That is honestly no excuse to do what they did

It doesn’t match your experience of someone you ended up having to kick from your guild (?)


What an honestly tiresome and faux-reasonable thing to say - “oh, you shouldn’t react to anything because it’s not wholesome enough =(”

Why did you kick them out of your guild instead of “acting like an adult” and “resolving the dispute”? Is it because running a guild and posting on the forums are two very seperate things perhaps - I get that preaching is easier than doing

I think the OP’s guild has had a closure at least

Do you think it’s more likely that Morsteth doesn’t like a person because [someone else] willingly traded them a sum of gold or because that person is misrepresenting what his problem with that person is - ie. that he began for weeks at a time posting on a classic alt, making allusions to how he believed that doxxing [a certain group] was really good idea - until that alt was eventually revealed to be him

I think one is way more likely than another but I think you can draw your own conclusion at what you’d personally be more annoyed about


Your entire post reads salty ASF.


Sure it does. But who has the bigger reason?

Edit: Prove me right.

knowing koiffen for now almost 5 years id say he and mors are diffrent people, buckaro, WOOF WOOF! :dog:


why do i feel doubt?

it’s okay friend. we understand.


Yeah that’s me ahahah


The way this thread degeneration is a classic example of the current state of AD at present and has been for a while amongst the different communities. Let the thread die now and people move on. Give a better example to potential new incoming rpers rather than the constant swing and roundabout of ‘drama’ broadcasted to outsiders wishing to join our realm.


Reading this again, honestly extremely weird + fight me in real life pilled why did you say this lol

Quite dark


B-bro… Why?

What has “The Rotgarde-AD/Sanguino” said exactly in this situation?


Deep breaths bub


Grim gest is not perroy’s guild im afraid

He says, not letting the thread die and continuing to dwell on it

You’ve misread my post

I am saying that if you were Morsteth, which of those two situations would more likely be the cause for annoyance

Not my guild

As opposed to you posting one post that wasn’t instantly scrolled past and now thinking you are the moral centre of the AD forums

I think you’re an OK guy Barbour but I don’t think you need to lean so heavily into this “heh… OK … real talk …” shtick

I think if you have thoughts like these about people on the forums then something is not going well

Never ever

Everyone is a whole lot of people


Barbour, when you need to start to bring in the cusswords I think its a good time to step away for an hour or two and breathe.


Neither. Because I wouldn’t have responded at all.

But they support you, as they show their faces in every related incident.

It’s not my opinion. I’m reflecting the opinion of others back at you, which like it or not has some basis.

Hence the problem.

Unless they’re in your guild.


Thats how friends work.
We are in fact friends with each other.
Sure dirty internet friends for the most part, but the community is by and large a collection of people who get along, support each other, shoot the breeze and so on.
Is the support for each other a shock?


So in a way you believe yourself to be the voice of reason and the people



That’s not really my question - it was an either or and saying “heh… me? I’m too much of a cool cat to fit in that binary …”

It was meant to be a hypothetical thing not “what would you personally do” (though I am lead to believe that you would personally also respond instantly & at length)

They don’t need my permission to reply to a forum thread

Ahh so you are just the impartial arbiter floating in the clouds just imparting this vision on me atm

I understand that now

Many popular franchises have a flat negative arc villain

I don’t know what that means


If only I still had t3

Thanks for clarifying. The officer core the guild died with (including myself) had no involvement in this and Ireshka quit months ago.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s Stockholm syndrome. For all her flaws, she still provided a ton of good RP. Saying it wasn’t mired in drama and plenty of toxic thinking, however, would be wrong.

I’m one of the people that took the disband particularly hard (like… physically sick levels of hard, RP had a really unhealthy place in my life) and honestly, most of the guild has a rudimentary understanding of what happened. They knew Chiel was Kweezlet from the get-go and that people were removed from the PCU for helping her perpetuate a lie.

I haven’t heard a peep from most of our members and our Discord’s still open, so I’d like to think they’re at peace with what happened.

I can only hope nothing Chiel said reflects poorly on them. They’re good people.

I’m low-key impressed our thread’s gone from a guild thread to a PCU hate thread to a “Chiel sucks” thread to people arguing about Farraki to people debating whether balding is body shaming or not to this.

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