🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

I wouldn’t be surprised, i’ve seen some of his other forum posts.

i don’t think so because no one actually talked to him about it because no one cared for over 5 minutes

but let the man have his last claim to fame he clearly doesn’t have much else judging by his reddit looool



I’m removing your guild discord mod privileges.


I’ll first need to join the discord, boss.


There are different ways and different manners in which to call out lies.

I understand the reason to call out ‘They started it!’, but it is not a justification to everything else written and the tone and impression one gains from reading it.

To give a very pointed and not-entirely-applicable-to-this situation type of example to highlight what I mean, ‘They started it!’ is the argument you also hear in kindergarten from children who bicker and it’s the adults who need to step in, make everyone feel validated and resolve the dispute.

I am not calling anyone childish, though! And I very much believe that if someone is lying or acting manipulative, they need to be called out on it. But at the same time, it’s a slippery slope if people start justifying all of their conduct on each others’ behaviour, because it will not break the cycle of abuse. Which definitely goes both ways!

And I completely agree that this is something Chiel should not have done. I believe you can say better than I how much was done to make sure the matter was resolved in Chiel’s favour - and she can probably say if that intent carried out to her, or what motivated her to doing this. I think Perroy wrote earlier that Chiel was already an unwanted person in PCU when they infiltrated, though.

I mean, I do agree with you that if you gave her a chance and now feel backstabbed with this, it’s certainly a matter you need to bring up. I just gained the impression from those who previously wrote that Chiel was already not wanted in any PCU communities before this happened and that matter was already unresolved.

I am talking about two different people, though! Ireshka, the co-founder of the Family, is the person who did absolutely most damage against the Sixty Thieves and has a history of infiltrating a guild in Guild Wars 2 with the intent of crashing it.

So, my argument is: ‘Look, the other officer was already acting terrible. I get that I look naive when I say the guild leader could have been oblivious to that plus done something close but not exactly the same and actually not having been malicious. But I have a very, very close experience of being a target of the abuse the two can throw. This doesn’t match my experience of how Chiel does things, which makes me think it was more of an accident than a plan.’

But I do stress that I can be wrong, because I have no logs and I don’t know the extent of what happened or the harm Chiel caused. However, arguing further on that is just not seeing the forest from the trees.

Chiel did never brag about that, though. There is also several years between the drama Ireshka / Kaziik evoked in Guild Wars 2 and Sixty Thieves and now this. I am sorry if I was unclear with that.

I’d say ‘they were hurt and reacted without thinking it through’, which is my hallmark argument to what resulted in this.

Several people from the Family were genuinely hurt and disappointed by the guild splitting up. At least one person took it very badly OOC and feel disconnection with putting effort into something or forming lasting relationships. It tells that a lot of people were very invested and involved with the guild.

That said, the angry replies that some members have been posting here have been outright toxic and abusive, as well as riddled with faulty arguments. They haven’t helped anyone’s cause.

Same, but since they are different people with different motivations, their deeds do not entirely apply here or work to predict what Chiel specifically may or may not do or think. But, I can agree to there being a pattern.

Chiel absolutely threatened to pull members from the Sixty Thieves when leaving and tried her hardest to do it. She also repeatedly roleplayed with members of the Sixty Thieves - some of whom came to her on their own account and of course had the right - in a manner that could have escalated conflict roleplay in a situation where there was no OOC trust that any conflict would be handled in a mature fashion. Also at the time, she was angry and lashing out, not understanding the larger implications or the damage she risked. We’ve later talked it out and I am inclined to trust her in that.

I don’t need to think Chiel lied to me. I think that everything she has done thus far lines up with consistency and she has been openly angry. She grew up a lot from the things she did when she was kicked from the Thieves, so it’s a shame to see history repeat itself in a similar situation. But I also speculate that being kicked and blocked again, after Sixty Thieves, is hitting a very sore spot for her.

Or, it was a match that lit the powder keg.

In any case, I will drop out of this discussion now, because I sadly do not have the time to invest in continuing it. I sincerely hope I have not hurt anyone’s feelings! Also, I will continue reading the thread still, so if you feel that I am wrong in some aspect, I welcome you to still reply! Or approach me privately, of course.

Though sadly, I hope it’s alright that I won’t share my Discord tag here, so you will have to mail or whisper me ingame first.

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What Sindri means is that he’s a stellar member of my very active some say award winning server; join today!

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Family disbanded? Well that’s a shame.

I think Bilgewater Harbor is still in good hands though. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Yeah it was childish of Chiel to call out PCU in their post. Rly a kindergarten move.

Full stop


There’s no irony. Everything born of bad karma will always come full circle.

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These statements, combined with:

Remind me of the Swedish capital. I only hope that those uninvolved in the shady business Chiel got themselves into will realise the full context of the events and what happened and come around. Would hate to see the server lose roleplayers, especially to OOC drama like this.

How and why in gods name is this thread still even going on?

Alright, slide inv in the DM.

because it isn’t closed

because people have things they want to post

Hope that helped


Because Chiel hasn’t admitted to her bulls***. That’s why. No one here has closure.

That is extremely hard cap, the reality is that you were allowed to enter like any other attendant even though it was obvious from the get go that you had zero involvement in role play

We did not care at all that an OOCer rolling an extremely overpowered class at that time decided to present himself as a role player for 1 second to tryhard and win – if we would have cared, we would have simply not given you the prize money lol but I believe that the organizer of the tournament was happy that he even got OOCers to role play for 5 minutes in their life

However, you eventually started to rly valiantly claim that pure OOCers are a great addition to the role play community and some time later you decided to post weird stuff on a low level hunter alt or something on this forum so that is the reason you are at times pointed out as a :clown_face:


Your entire post reads salty ASF.

Do you claim I am salty that someone took gold from a prize pool I did not add to (Sorry my brother BBMonkey…) like how does it affect me personally I lost 0 gold that day and had fun role playing


Is Kelduril an OOCer? I always thought he’s just an infrequent RPer.

Still had to edit your post though and clean it up to look less shady, right?

Guy says you sound upset about it. You sound upset about it, insulting him three times in your OP, the math’s what it is.

I edited the word “simply” out of the post and added an extra line to it, do you honestly think me removing the word “simply” two times from a post makes it less shady ? Crazy

Kelduril the character is abandoned at level 50, Kellduril is on Draenor – so I don’t think he even has any horse in this server’s race at all currently