Disc DPS (can I solo content?)

I have always liked the healing style and theme of Disc priest.

I know that I am not a dps class or that I will ever compete with DPS classes, but can I go out in the world and do quests/world quests etc and down mobs? Or will I be there for hours and hours trying to kill everything?

Equally, if anyone PvPs, if I get jumped by a player out in the world or in a BG, can I deal enough DPS to them to make them think twice? Or do I just have to sit and heal myself until they get bored?

On single target bosses in m+ where Im free to do dmg nonstop, I’ll usually do about 150k dps, whereas dps specs would do roundabout 350-400k.

Depends mostly on how self-sufficient they are. Some specs can outheal you forever and it’ll just be an indefinite stalemate. Vs specs that cant self-sustain well you’ll be able to kill them or scare them away.

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On my Disc I rarely do anything outside of solo/PvP. It’s like Triip has said, against say a DH with leech, or a blood DK that just endlessly heals, it will be a stalemate for a LONG time until you run out of mana. But by that point you would have likely gotten to someone for help or the nearest town etc for guards to help.

For the classes that can’t heal like arms etc, it will take longer than a DPS but you will be able to scare them away. Disc does do some nice DPS, a little bit more than the other healers but not a massive margin that you wouldn’t be able to do the same on a Shaman for example.

For solo, honestly, it would take me a long time due to the lower DPS but I am very sure I could solo HC dungeons on my disc priest. It’s a solid pick for solo play imo.

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You can look up my talents for big PvP damage you got quit good damage going für solo PvP, with gear nothing should kill you solo and you only will struggle vs guys that outheal because you got no ms effect

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