there needs to be some pruning happening. For example you could easily bake schism into shadow covenant.
There are 12 buttons that deal dmg if i count correctly including shadow fiend.
I think it should be toned down to 5-6 buttons and thats already more than most specs have.
Also disc priest in raiding be like: so theres dmg incoming in 20 seconds, gotta start my ramp now lol.
meanwhile holy priest is pressing 1 button to get the same outcome. Same with other healers. And for some reason atonement keeps getting nerfed. Its down to 36%, cmon bruh
Even after disc rework this spec is so lackluster compared to others.
Also calling it right now. Without instant radiance next tier disc is gonna be really bad
you know what would be cool? A button that applies atonement to the whole raid for its normal duration on like a 90 second cooldown
Or make atonement a smart heal so it doesnt overheal. If they had to design disc in 2023 i bet that they would do it that way.
Make disc fun to play pleeeaaassseee. A 15 button ramp is not fun. 12 different spells that do mediocre dmg is not fun.
Also the whole talent tree is not engaging at all. Its full of some random talents that increase random spell dmg by 5% here and another random spell dmg by 10% there and then if you turn around 3 times after casting a spell your next spell deals 15% more…boooooring…
Reminds me of the vanilla tree where you would put 5 points into a talent to increase your dmg by 5% haha. Its pretty bad.
Can you please remove contrition? or atleast buff it by like 1000% so it actually gets picked.
Its annoying that expiation consumes dot duration. Too bad its a mandatory pick. Bad design imo.
The whole second to last row shouldnt be 2 points but 1 point insead. Divine aegis 2 points really? Why is castigation even a talent? make it baseline. Why is pain and suffering a 2 point talent? lmao
Has someone ever played Pain Transformation btw? I know, its hard to believe but this talent is even worse than contrition