There are two overrepresented healers not one.
Or just buff other healers since it looks like they are pushing dmg of weaker speccs up to fury level of strength?
We want players to play healer not scare tgem
Then everyone will complain that games last 5-10 min. and nothing dies. If everything dies in few minutes but all healers are competitive then nobody complains. So far I’ve seen 1-2 one shots but it’s also caused by people getting weapon and both embelishments week first. We will get more stamina and it will slow down slightly. Not much but slightly. Sets aren’t as strong as season 3-4.
Im all for buffing other healers, but the playstyle of a disc priest doing damage to heal is silly
i know its not all about that, people moaned about FW and im sure that got nerfed pretty swiftly yet disc still roaming free with big heals and big dam and dont get me started with ultimate pent … and yes im aware it can be LoS’d, grounding or anything else
Disc due to it’s design is in this weird spot where it either doesn’t spend mana when it can just outheal things with Attonment. Or it gets oom in 2 min.
Disc goes brrrrrrrrrr bam hehe
FW wasn’t nerfed swiftly… Disc was dumpster tier for the last three seasons in a row, FW wasn’t good in the last season but overall it had a much better xpac than Disc for sure. And FW isn’t toxic because it deals damage but because it has a low cd interrupt, hardstun, ring of peace, paralyze and their throughput is completely through the roof without ever having to cast anything. Disc has none of that. The only issue with Disc is that the numbers are too high currently and that their damage should be tuned down a bit. The class is one of the few classes left which aren’t overloaded with annoying micro cc, has no interrupt and no over the top mobility either.
Btw the highest healer in the game currently is a monk at 2764 CR in blitz bg. That’s the reason why it doesn’t get buffed, because it would break the mode. I think mw should get some kind of a rework, the goal should be that every healer should have a place in every bracket (not that they need to be equally good in every bracket but they should be playable).
What? Almost everybody in this forum complains about the entire galaxy regardless of what’s meta, regardless of their XP, regardless if they play healer or dps and regardless of how good their spec is At least half of the forum is completely fine when the spec which they are playing is S+ tier in every single bracket and immediately complains when the meta shifts.
What about the daily clone threads for the last 3 seasons or how much people hate having to constantly swap targets against druid? When holy priest is good people complain about how unfair chastice is. When monk is meta people will complain about the dampen meta it tends to create. Evoker being the newest class is already enough reason to hate it. Casters complain about shaman and everybody complains about Fistweaver.
The good solution would be to just buff pally, shaman, druid, monk and holy in arena to be on par with pres/disc and buff everybody but monk in blitz to be on roughly on par there too. I heavily doubt that more people will start playing healer if all you do is nerf the one who’s popular.
When games become too long (which I doubt tbh) they can also simply adjust dampening. And they also need to fix healer MMR in Shuffle asap, this joke has been going on for way too long already.
Also just curious but what would you change about Disc/Pres and how would you compensate them for blitz bg?
You didn’t understand me. I said that buffing all the healers is not the way to go. Nerfing the most broken 2 is. I’m for all healers being balanced but not 10 min. games.
I haven’t seen a single game that was 10 minutes long. I’m not saying that they don’t exist but they’re for sure an anomaly. The majority of 3s last less than 4 minutes.
Yes because there are two viable healers but once every healer will be on their level I guarantee you’ll see them because Druid has bigger potential for drinking and it will happen. Also you talk about 2s and I talk about 3s.
Agree.Disc needs mobility ,double purge, a stun , range cc ,2 roots , Grounding totems and also interrupt with no cooldown.
You only have Power Word: Shield for 3x Serenity or full hot NS. Anyway even if you had all these things you’d still struggle. Because the issue isn’t disc in your case. Your problem is between your chair and your monitor.
Anyone who defends disc in it’s current form is just a biased clown.
your just a wow addict
And you are just a noob. You play Oracle Disc in 2s with negative winrate at 1500. How can anybody treat you serious.
i dont play 2s and your never healed as disc above 2k rating.your the real noob
I’m looking at arena logs right now and most of the games are less than 5 minutes long in 3s, even at high rating.
I understand that you’re frustrated as shaman right now but bringing up druid who has been the strongest healer for most of the time during DF as an argument for why pally, hpriest, shaman and monk shouldn’t be buffed and the popular healers need to be nerfed is ridiculous.
You still haven’t said what you’d change about Pres and Disc and how you would compensate them for blitz bgs.
I won’t comment on it. So just because I’m not playing you stupid boring spec I’m bad. Good one.
Indeed you don’t play 2s. These are literally the only arenas you played this season so stop the cap you little liar.
I don’t know what arena logs did you check. Probably “trustmebro dot com”. I can literally check my reflex to know that I played more than 20-30% of 5 min.+ games and somehow they all are against Disc and Presvoker
Amazing argument. “Victimhood” on it’s finest. It’s good that you don’t ask for reparation for Druids being good back then. As far as I know it’s not DF anymore but TWW. I don’t need Druid being the best but at least being able to take a fight with against Disc and Pres without a need to outplay it 24/7. Healers don’t need buffs. Disc and Presvoker are overtuned. 1,5 mln PW:S is just too much similar to these instant Living Flames. If someone needs buffs then it’s MW, H Priest and H Paladin.
We are in Arena forums not Battleground ones.
This guy actually plays only RSS and has negative winrate on Disc. Well…
I’ve checked the first page of wow arena logs for 3s above 1800. There are 50 games and 3 of them lasted longer than 5 minutes. Everybody can check that. If anything your reflex is more of a “trustmebro dot com” source
I’ve literally said that druid should get some buffs, you’re the one who only wants to nerf stuff.
Yeah, instead of making suggestions on how to improve things you’re spamming nerf threads about pres and disc for the past 2 weeks nonstop. I bet you also complained nonstop about hpal for the 3 weeks where the class wasn’t C tier in DF.
Ah, now we reached the stage where we just make things up to insult people who disagree with you in Trump style. I haven’t played a single Shuffle game this season and you don’t even play healer. You’re ignored now. And don’t forget to tweet “I HATE DISC” before you go to bed
Do you know that WoW arena logs are extremely rare and unused. Literally no top players are useing it. It’s not reliable source. Use
- it’s still not 100% accurate as some people block access to the api.
This is what addiction looks like