Disc nerfs when?

Way more specs in fact but anyway let’s not deraill further.

Can you please explain me what are you trying to achieve with this discussion?

I get it I hurt your feelings. I’m sorry but it is what it is. Sooner someone tells you the truth better. You cannot live forever in denial.

So what do you try to achieve? Are you trying to prove Disc is balanced? Rather impossible all stats show it isn’t and that it’s the best healer by far.

Then what is your goal? What do you actually want to achieve? Why are we even discussing?z

your just rude meanwhile you pvp for like 10 exapansions.I think the healers are now all very close.Players that complain about disc are just not fair because disc has so many disadvantages over other healers.It might be now a bit better than other healers but only very slightly.I will ignore you anyways thats what i do with the wow 15 years wow addicts that think they are special

Then you are completely wrong. Just check statistics. End of story. Numbers don’t lie. You can argue with me but you try to deny reality.


Check EU, NA and every bracket. It’s not that hard. Just open link and check it. If you don’t believe this source.


And if it’s still not enough for you


Do you really think that these 3 sources are completely wrong and you are right? Do you think that all these top ladder players are wrong and they shouldn’t just play Disc? Just be honest - do you really think all of them are wrong?

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No need to nerf the specialization. They have been battling with their counterpart Holy Priest for several seasons to be main healing specialization in pvp for several expansions now and my hope is Discipline Priest can comfortable say they are the go-to for the class.

Explain what you mean by overrepresented?

Teams/players who are comfortable with defensive cooldowns will excel with a Discipline Priest and chose them over other healers…why should they be nerfed because of this?

After playing the specialization for several seasons I can tell you they do not need nerfs, they are in an excellent position in every aspect of the game. If you know how to play the spec it may seem overpowered but it is simply, good play and good gear to match.

Try dispelling a [Power Word: Shield] or two and see if it helps.

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A power word shield is as strong as holy word: serenity. It has a 6 sec cd, serenity has a 1 min cd, reduced by casting heals, which will drain your mana by about 15% to reset it by casts.

Power word shield absolutely should be nerfed.

I do not know the the numbers in terms of initial heal (inserts xyz (spell power x versa) calculation) and total absorption amount non-crit/crit for [Power Word: Shield] and [Holy Word: Serenity] non-crit/crit.

As you know the overall cooldown of [Holy Word: Serenity] is no 1min though, it is less as you use other healing abilities which give other benefits due to the specialization. You can also not dispel Holy Word: Serenity].

I vote no nerf!! If I had my way I would introduce [Assimilate] which is PvP talent I created to make [Power Word: Shield] undispellable for it’s entire duration and is on a 60 second cooldown. I look forward to keeping my team mates alive within their unbreakable absorption shields.

There’s no way an instant 6 sec CD spell should be as strong as serenity. It should be nerfed.

Which drains your mana by about 15% to reset it, if you don’t have surge of light procs. Pw:shield has a 6 sec cd.

Then would you prefer to play as Discipline Priest in PvP or Holy Priest in PvP. I am getting tempted to write and article on class/spec rotations soon.

Why would u need to drink when u never oom?

If R Druid and R Shaman are brought to Disc level it will oom faster than them. That’s why it’s a stupid idea.

Priest is my “main twink” class and after playing it since BFA I must say that Disc, for the first time, actually feels like a complete spec. I remember back in SL Season 4 when Disc was barely functional due to the 4 set bonus for example. The spec is not as easily balanced as others because its design is pretty unique compared to them…


Right now if you are not priest or dragon game literally feels like 3 versus 4… because they are so overtuned that it exactly feels you dealing with additional player.

it only feels complete because its tuned like a lvl 90 spec rn, it still has all the same flaws that made it crash and burn and be unviable for 90% of dragonflight

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Playing vs disc or dragon 400cr xp below and still losing is always a pretty clear indicator… they need some major nerfs and i mean major… also hpal and mw need some srs number tuning…

Playing vs ms in 2s pumping huuuuge 300k WOG on an 7800000 HP mate is the dumbest thing ive seen in a while

It was only unviable due to the speed at which people changed teams. A good team playing as RMP, Jungle or Thug cleave become a great team over several seasons of playing together. The Discipline Priest still remains. It certainly didn’t crash and burn.

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