Disc priest in TWW

I mainly played disc priest in dragonflight season 4 and I enjoyed it. When I observe TWW voidweaver, I loved it. Animations are great design is great. However, there is problem with flash heal. Especially, in m+, in the most of the videos people are getting hard time at single target healing. I think this can be fixed by changing the surge of light to maybe surge of shadow, which makes your flash heal shadow like and heal much more. This would also fix the single target healing problem in the current expansion. What are your thoughts about this? Is there anything you would change? (sorry for my english)


I think it would be a good change, assuming disc will be in a similar state to what it has been in DF and also past expansions.

Weak spot healing, or rather: the fact you sacrifice your group healing by doing spot healing, has been an issue for a long time now. Giving us a little flavour to bump up the spot healing a tiny bit would help in m+ and pvp, where disc struggle, while having minimal impact on raid performance.

I think a fun and intuitive way to help could be something along the lines of a Talent that allows Halo to spread Renew and/or Power Word: Shield from yourself to those hit. Even if it has a cap as long as it smart cast’s it could allow for us to get attonements up in a pinch and with a 40 second CD it’s not really abuseable.

What would help is 2 charges of power word shield, would be a massive quality of life upgrade

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