Disc Priest RP?

Hello. I am sorry for the dumb question, I am new to this.
I was wondering if disc priests even exists in RP.
I was told one can not wield the light and the shadow at the same time. But let’s say… assuming your character has a strong faith in the light, but understands that every light casts a shadow. Will it be possible for that character to tap into the void at times without having the light abandon him/her? Do we have some npcs or lore about that kind of power? Or anything that proves the opposite ?

Please help a noob out :smiley:

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While I was making my discipline priest, I couldn’t find any source that says one can not wield at the same time (with limitations to each side like how it works in-game) although I was told like you, I will say no one brought an actual source that it’s impossible. On the contrary, although WoW Lore is a mess, there are sources in that mess that Discipline Priests very much exists.

Some priests pride themselves on pragmatism. They understand that light casts a shadow, that darkness is defined by light, and that true discipline stems from one’s ability to balance these opposing powers in services of a greater cause. While these priests possess many holy virtues to aid their allies, they also dabble in the dark arts to debilitate their enemies—always exercising immense discipline to keep themselves away from the brink of insanity. Many would say the ends justify the means; scriptures both virtuous and vile should be studied and understood to protect the congregation.

From Legion, Class Hall stuff

Anduin Wrynn speculated to be a Discipline Priest, as he can wield Light but also uses Mind-Control in a Pandaria quest and uses the Psychic Scream ability currently when Horde invades SW to kill him. Although in-game, both spells are accessible for Holy Priests, most of the time mind-altering spells tend to fall under the school of shadow.

Is there a reason that many priest spells, especially shadow priest spells, have names that refer to psychic phenomena like " [Mind Spike]" or " [Psychic Horror]"? Are priests implicitly telepaths?
The Light is often said to bring about feelings of positive emotion— hope, courage, comfort— and the like. Shadow abilities are just the opposite, able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the “heart,” whereas the emotions manipulated by shadow are often based on survival logic, and therefore affect the “mind.” That said, priests and their abilities are not necessarily always psychic or telepathic.

(From an interview.)

I hope that was helpful, and I say unless those people bring current sources (and not already retconned stuff) go for it. Although it’s a very small piece, I believe the Legion Artifact Weapon, it’s traits, the whole retconned Light-Shadow/Void stuff at Chronicles proves it’s possible for discipline priests the exist.


I don’t think it works that way
The Light is like a Void if it have sentience, it clearly very different from ours - kinda like how the lovercraftian things think and behave totally differently than humans
The creatures of the two primodial force, like Void Lords (Light Lords?) Naaru and Old Gods are different matter
But the Light / Void will not abbandon you
Sir Zeliek, a Death Knight, one of the original four Horsemen, High Inqusitor Sally Whitemane (and the other Scarlets…) before and after her death wasn’t abandoned by then Light and they all did horrible, horrible things… worse than using some void/shadow stuff


Thank you for this detailed answer. It was indeed helpful :slight_smile:


They could possibly mean using shadow and Light at literally the same time (channeling both at once). That seems extremely dangerous to me.


I think the common misconception that Light and Shadow completely outrule each other comes from the audio drama in Legion, where Turalyon as a lightforged and Alleria as a Void user are harmed by touching each other in the middle of combat.

I do not think this would be the case in an out of combat situation, but a lot of people have interpreted it as the case, and they apply this one single instance to every other non-dramatic case.
I even heard people claim that the Light is literally unable to heal and can only be used negatively on demon hunters, undead of any kind and Void users.

Now, do keep in mind that Chronicles confirmed every single form of Shadow magic to be the exact same thing as Void magic. So according to that, no worgen, warlock, rogue or shadow priest could ever be healed with the Light.
Not only that, but discipline priests would cease to be lore friendly.
You can see where my problem with these indications are, yes?

Also, Alonsus Faol exists. He’s an undead discipline priest. He’s even in the book Before the Storm.

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I haven’t read the book although I don’t remember him performing a shadow schooled spell during Legion Priest campaign (I might be remembering wrong) what he does in the book / or somewhere else that confirms him as a discipline priest? I thought he was a Forsaken Light user solely. (Which is interesting on its own, proof that Forsaken/tainted with unholy is still able to wield Light but also not the same thing with being a discipline priest. Forsaken being able to be healed with Light were confirmed already previously, I think.)

One could argue he’s not a discipline priest lore-wise, because the only times we see him cast anything is (as far as I know) when he’s blessing Turalyon in the Cathedral and when he’s helping resurrect Calia which are both Light.
But why would they make him a disc priest as the order hall champion if he was solely a Light user?

I do not believe in the whole “this is in the game, but it is not lore friendly” thing, aside from the obvious things like eating food restores health and stuff.
Anyone who goes “Hurr durr, it’s just gameplay mechanics” is just fashion hating on the game in my opinion.

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My intention was not to argue but the question since like I mentioned I haven’t read the books, hence for the future references I would like to know if he does something shadowy to perhaps answer questions like OP’s or in game whispers I receive about the questioning existence of discipline priests.

If someone is actually questioning the existence of discipline priests, they’re straight up denying lore.
They’re to be mocked and ignored imo.
It’s like saying arcane magic does not exist. Utterly and unquestionably idiotic.


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