Its easy to be powerfull without opposition… They can either buff other heales to be nearly powerfull as disc or nerf disc to be around equal as others, people dont care for method, people just want justice and balance, people also want to play game and they also want to be viable… anyone who cannot understand this are selfish
You simply cannot bestow god power to one and paesant power to another and expect people to be happy, offcourse people are defiant, disrespectful and full of hatred, because they feel abused, better do not win, blizzard created this situation… and now they need to fix it… This is game for anyone not just 2x, anyone have right to be viable and competiive after that let the better win. In E-sport there is no room for god tiers.
Special in shuffle healer balance is very bad
And i dont know how can the balance the healer better, give Rdruid a bit more passive healing and he dominate with cyclone, Disc a bit too much damage we all can see how that goes or an Rsham that passive heales with totems and insta and he have time too bully the enemy healer hole game
One specc can hardcounter a healer (evoker if a sub is in the lobby)
I rly dont know how Blizzard can achive a good healer balance
There is no much cloning from resto specialy in SS, because it start with high dampening already, even skill caped and other guides suggest Rdruids to play far away and passive.
With all CC in game insluding micro CC If you cannot punish resto druid clones than you really doing something wrong, its most counterable spell in game, locking it = healing school out.
Also there is alot of druids who not even bother to clone, since it become gamble, when druid was in OK state during last 2 seasons of DF there was top druids who just passive heals instead of risky playmakes with colone, i even saw some of them not even puting talent into cyclone.
Evrything was better than this plague today, when one healer deny other healers existance like disco doing today we have BIG problem.
In past there was some discussion and someone said “even Minpojke dont clone”. That was during flight or SL even.
Honesty clone spell work wonders on lower ratting, but as ratting go higher clone carry more risk and you can easy get counterplayed. I think cloning hatred mainly come from ferals and balance druid, they are the one who can clone people like cattle without much counterplay.
And the only reason hpala is the 2nd healer active is because feral is insane and the 2x bop helps in some dampening. Other then that, crap compared to…
I open his stream he is live atm. And it looks like he still have clone on his binds and use it
Ofc Rdruid got a problem where you cannot afford too loose HPS while going for cheeki risky clones all the time, but a good clone here and there can stop a lot of pressure and in this way he use clone a lot
Except solo shuffle tries to stop you from facing your own spec.
Holy priests really never queue into holy priests.
Disc priests don’t face disc priests.
Resto druids don’t get to fight resto druids.
What we got in DF was that we non-resto druid healers were thrown into an army of resto druids due to how shuffle works, they don’t really play against their own spec. So many resto druids got higher than they should be because they never had to play against a resto druid better than them and was winning against the non-resto druids due to being OP.
Exactly. Which is why as non priest you only played priest cause there was a need for enemy’s for the endless flood of priests.
Every game was priest pries priest
Which is just no where to be found in any statistics. Druid never was over priest in a big margine. While priest had multiple phases of being 50% of all healer or more
Wasn’t priest always the most represented healer due to it being very easy and forgiving? Both disc and especially Holy. Even in Rdruid-dominating meta priest still being the most played healer.
It’s funny because when disc is meta every1 can just hop on the train and do well → therefore very boring over represented ladder.
But when rdruid is dominating you guys struggle and cry cause it is impossible for you to pull off rdruid.
I never know why they not allow mirror matches, generaly i like to play versus mirror to see which new tricks, specs and playstyle people can bring in.
But defending disc priest is impossible right now after people get enough and saw them on AWC… something must be done… Solution 1: nerf disc priest to be around EQUAL as others. Solution 2: Buff others to be around EQUAL as disco… Each of those solution will make disc population cry, because booth solution will put them where they belong. But in the end let the better win, once game is balanced properly i have no problem losing versus disc which played better than me. But losing in world when game for me feels 3 versus 4… thats not way to go
Its played because they never suffered, whatever happen from season to season they can always find confort in RMP, they never feeled sour taste of being Paesant class, no one ever overshadowed them like they overshadowing other healers right now.
I don’t care about any other healer than resto druid dominating.
When resto druid does, the game becomes blatantly unfun. I still have fun playing against disc priests. I don’t have fun playing against resto druids. Never had fun playing against them even back in TBC. It’s always boring when resto druids are strong.
What can be more unfun than mistake forgiving disco priest? Since its bloated with power its almost impossible to playmake , for evry situation disc have solution, boring to watch, boring to play versus…
We want to see rainbow in PvP, all healer shoud be viable and around same representation, than if you hate resto druid you wont meet them EVERY game, like other healers meet your class