Disc priests still 40 percent of healers

Of course you don’t care. Rsham haven’t been meta in 10 years. MW is a dead spec since BFA with occasional fistweave ssn. Hpal is a counter comp viability but usually meh.

It’s always just priest and rdruid. While one of these is piss easy and the other I would consider high skillcap.

Oh ye and pres.

Priest can legit avoid 90% of the cc that’s casted on him if you have a good awereness (obv not your case).

This is how I know you’ve never played shuffle as a priest.

You get opened on with rake → cyclone and someone dies before it even ends if you don’t trinket it. If you trinket it, you still lose because you can’t trinket something else.

Dear diary.

I dont have Fun playing against priests while i dont mind druids so what. What you enjoy or dont enjoy are not facts. If you have any reason why druid meta is somehow less Fun than healer who outdamages melees please try to argue. Your feelings are not facts.

Well this is how i know you never passed 1600.

Except I played resto druid in DF.

It was a free ride to elite mog on it, the thing I wanted. Because I won with just going rake → cyclone.

Damn So you reached 1800 gz.
Also its funny cos from the few shuffles i played in df going for rake stun cyclone was usually the worst play all these druids could do.
You thinking its a good play tells everything.


Just because enough people died before the first cyclone ends.

Well that happens when you play in mmr sewers.

People let rake → cyclones happen even at 2500 mmr, lmao.

If holy priests could stealth and open up with chastise → fear on resto druids, the resto druids crying their eyes out about disc priest right now would cry their eyes out about holy priests, even though they’re doing something far better when they rake → cyclone.

Cyclone needs to be nerfed.

So i just checked 21 rounds of pojkes shuffle and He did rake into cyclone on enemy healer at start of the game exactly 0 times. I guess he after playing this game for 20 years have not discovered the secret strat yet.

Then it doesn’t matter if they nerf it. So they can just go ahead and nerf it. Surely won’t make a difference if they nerf it.

Resto druids should be buffed if anything tho. Again you having issues with the worst healer in the game is saying a lot about you. Actually druids using cyclone overall has been considered giga troll for past expansions. And rn without being able to spam cyclone and giga hard outplay enemy you dont have enough healing to outheal enemy dps.

I’s funny it works against you actually since that play is not only bad but also usually impossible to pull off.

Yeah, so much on me when people die in rake → cyclone before it ends.

Surely it doesn’t matter then if they nerf it, because it’s impossible to pull off according to you.

Funny. Do you see holy priest there? No, there’s not a single holy priest at 2100+ in shuffle. Yet there’s 14 resto druids, with the highest being at 2240. There’s also not a single mistweaver.

Let’s take a look at 1800+:

Oh, resto druids make up more than both mistweaver & holy priests together.

“worst healer”, double the representation of the 2 bottom specs.

Again you want to Nerf something that has rather low impact on the game. At this point i refused to believe youre this stupid. Check any resto druid stream in past 4 expansions you wont see them using clone that often unless they play rmd.

Like what Are you even saying here? Why do you want to I. Nerf worst healer in the game II. Nerf prolly the most insignificant ability in past 4 expansions? Have you Lost your mind?

Its same as with any other class, if theres 1 healer spec outperforming the other one noone is going to play it. Check highest rated discs in shuffle they have probably 0 holy priest games played. Then check hpriest ladder most of these people are randoms. It doesnt reflect reality at all.
When it comes to monks they Shine in other areas while resto druids are garbage in every single bracket.

I think we’re done here if you think cyclone is insignificant. It’s OP as hell. It’s the only healer CC that’s spammable just by picking the talent, the only healer CC that makes target unable to be interacted with, it can’t be dispelled. It freezes people’s HP and you can switch it at will due to no CD.

Thats not what i said imo cyclone is the strongest cc in the game however not in resto druid hands as they rarely use cyclone and if they do its not in a way you described. Like please watch some tournament/high mmr resto druid streams before you talk cos your 1500 takes are annoying.

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It’s OP as hell no matter what spec it is on.

Cyclone needs to be gutted.

Or they should remove the CD on repentance, hex and psychic scream and so forth. None are anywhere close to as strong as cyclone but they can’t be spammed, yet cyclone is spammable while being 10x stronger than any of them.

If they don’t use it, then it doesn’t matter if they gut it. So they can just go ahead and do it, because it doesn’t matter if they gut it.

Yo stop these 1500 hardstuck takes or i’m gonna earn forum vacation. As i said this is getting really annoying. I tried to be nice and explain stuff however youre still baiting me with the most Fried takes i’ve seen in a while. Like whats your goal are you trying to make me waste my time or do you seriously believe worst healer in the game should be nerfed?

They’re not the worst healer just because there’s people crying about them not being the omegasupertier-sssss++++++++++++++++++++ healer like they’ve been for too long.

Ye keep living in your delusional challenger 2 bracket. I’m out, as i said go watch some druid stream (not some random 1500 or actually dont even watch NA cos stuff i’ve seen on awc was terrible) to see how wrong you are.