Hi all just to be clear I am not complaining about DISC PVP or DUNGEON/RAID DPS I jsut want to focus on WORL PVE questing and grinding the mobs dps.
I feel like everyone is now 1-2 shooting elites in the world while questing while I with my ilvl 380 gear does 30k crits max with smite/mind blast or 80k crits with shadow word death. For these skills to even be casted it´s really low. I see people now hitting for 200-400k! Per hit and they are mostly even AOE not to mention my disc abilities are almost all single target. I have seen disc nerfs for pvp etc … but where is the balance in this world pve. I get that disc is a healer but healer that needs to do DPS to heal but that does not mean I should be killing a 2500k life rare for several minutes when some classes jump in and literally finish it before I can target it. I pay the same money but need 10-20x more time to do same world quests content.
This actually feels like disc priest is being punished for being OP in PVP or I really dunno. And I don´t want to switch to shadow firsly I don´t play it and I don´t think “play another spec/class” is the solllution to a problem. I like disc for it´s versatility but seeing people collect the whole city of mob and AOE bomb them in 2 hits is just SAD… I have to do it 1 by 1 and it affects everything … from materials drop amount to exp and reputation gains. I am too slow compared to other. I love palying DISC but this takes some fun away
I am playing since 2006 and I rarely complain or make a post in forums but what I see around me feels unfair and ridiculous. If the healer that is based on DPS is doing 1000% lower damage than DPS … what is the reasonable % that we should be behind an average DPS … like 30% but not like do 5-10% right… Is this being adressed?
And still Just look the recent patch after reset ,they’re tellin us Damage overall is alot of the disc priest so THe crit chance they did nerfed which was about in “PVP” faced Buuut
but If it was about pvp why did u nerf that in pve too
The disc had it own problem still but viable for some ppl however it wasnt that kind of big deal class
Istill don´t get the nerf for crit or the crit cap for priest in pve while others scale with gear and do 200-400k blows … we suffer not only the lack of aoe but single target monsters with 30k crit mind blast, smite etc … just annoying. A DH will jump in an area gather all elites of 500-700k life and kill it all in 2 seconds … we are capped and I can´t figure out a way to increase pve dmage. I switched to full crit, now I maxed mastery … same hits … I think the crit/mastery combo is the best like 50/50. To get the max of crit + max of mastery … But now the difference starts to be like 1000% comapred to best dps. Our best attack is SWD … I critted with that one for like 80-90k quite regularly now.
no no ,… just the ratio I don´t want to do same damage… I mean the ratio like I do 25-30% of dps damage but now it seems we do like 5-10% but compared to the OP 4 classes just read carefully
and disc priest is a bit DPS oriented so naturally I want to be comparing how my disc is dealing damage as itś the way to generate offheals ofc … but maybe the other 4 classes are broken
Seeing that you both have better pve gear how are your blows? Especially Healmainbtw with 418 ilvl and 2800+ m rating. I don´t have so much time to play no raids at all so I am stuck on gear. Maybe part of the problem that others are now too far ahead.
We spoke about the main issue of priest More than it should but Nobody listens
Theres more Rotation baseline in this spec Than others Which is not even enough howEver You do it prefessionaly or Basicly You will miss some main Heal and even DPS for whole key dungs
its the community that should speak about Even dear jack wowhead we kept askin the problems which All agreed with missin alot of rework on current disc
I find problem also within the community … everytime I raise any topic to get opinions it´s all about. YOu are new to wow, you are healer you should not do dps, you don´t know, most of which are not disc. I paly disc since 2006 I always focus to maximiz e my dps output which is a nromal ways since the amount of dps I do will convert into healing… anytime I mention critical I get laughed at yet here you are with 2880+ M rating and your crit is even higher than mine! I knwo there is a cap on crit but how much is it actually… also why is there all gear that gives you crit designed for priest if it´s not working why all the gear is basically designed wrong if it will make you weaker.
I am doing very well with my priest the only thing that bugs me is really my solo pve vs elite mob experience. I can´t seem to improve my single blow whatever I do I switched 15% to mastery and reduced crit and I do the same amount … the mastery I took increase each hit but reduced the spikes in the end it´s the same so mastery / crit … makes no difference.
WHat does bother me is how fast can some classes clear a location of elites itś literally like jump in collect a bang bank 1-2 seconds. I need tospend a good amount of time on every elite alone. I am not sure what is the problem if the ferw classes are doing too much damage or am I doing too little.
being a healer does not mean you should not be able to do solo world content right. I can´t respec to shadow I don´t play it for 2 years plus I am on a pvp server so shadow means = death so can´t world quest at all. At least the ability to counter in pvp for discipline is one of the best and I think I havent been killed by an assault for a good month or two and I get assaulted x times daily.
I talked about ratio why disc priests damage vs pve mob does not scale up as it does for others. How can people 1 shoot elites while I will have to spend 7-10 casts.
If a healer does 30% of the damage vs mob compared to dps it should be ok and I felt it´s liek that before but now I feel like I do 5-10% comapred to others … I have quite nice gear tho. (but pvp gear I know … no time to get a second set unfortunately…)
Just like the monk , Did u saw The Recent Patch notes and Eye On the monk side?
i was playin monk in early DF and was Disgustin But for now they gave so much percent Buffs in all sort of dmg,Heal kind , But what consider me sayin this is the precentage
When You are buffing the precent of healin based on Dealin damage
Why dont u do that on disc?
crane was healin 40% Now is 70%
atonement is still same
Suggestion is Healin increase a bit more, And spicy one is for AOE Heal Lets Ask for second stack of Radiance So healing problem will be fixed on the Hard sitS on prio Dungs With a attonement Buff Both getting fixed easily "No ITS ALOT For disc BE THE F TIER".