Disconnect after Item Upgrade -> Error: A Character with this Name allready exists

Hey all,

i have a small but huge problem. Following happened yesterday:

I got a disconnect after upgrading a Ring with Valor points and since then the char is unavailable. The first time i log in it dc´s me out of the game. And the next time i try to log in it says: A Character with that Name allready exists.

Stuff i tried allready:
Log into another char and restart the game
Deinstall the Game and reinstall
Delete the WTF Folder
Delete all Addons
Waited for the “hard logout” after 30min ( tbf i even waited a whole night ^^)

Nothing worked so far.

In a “normal” situation i wouldnt mind waiting for the Ticket to be awnsered, but i allready missed our last m+ push day yesterday and now the first raid with the new talent tree seems like its in danger aswell ^^

Is there anything you guys think i could try to solve that problem myself?

Thanks in advance and i wish you all a good time with the prepatch. <3

Hey! I have the same issue since for a day, just after faction change on my main. Disconnected with the error of WOW51900319 or got back to character selection saying character name already exists. I have literally tried everything just like as you did. Still unable to play on my main so I opened a ticket and waiting for some sort of miracle by Support. It is frustrating since it is my main and the chance of loosing all achivements/money/progressions ect is kinda hard. ^^

Also was trying to upgrade items and got disconnected during that time. Maintenance did not help either so I think the character just bugged due some kind of server issue

Yeah same here, its my main char since i ever started playing WoW. I guess its the ring thats broken and since its still on my char i get dc´d everytime. Funny enough: i copied the char on the Beta Server and it works there, but the ringslot is empty :smiley:

I don’t know what’s happening at the moment but seen more complains about this issue. So just generally thinking it’s some kind of bug which is unable to solve for ourself. I was even thinking on name change but saw a topic where the person said it didn’t work even after that so no idea what to do anymore.

Yeah one of my guildmates just got the same error. Something seems to be super fishy with item Upgrades. My guild stops upgrading now ^^

Well… hope they will adress the issue since it seems bigger problem than it should be as a normal disconnection or being stuck. ^^ The question when and what they’ll do to keep their costumers satisfaction tho…

Thought the faction change was the problem and had a bug due it but it might be the upgrading because last time when I disconnected I was upgrading aswell. Since that can’t log in so your post makes more sense now for me ^^

Think we should open a new topic under Disconnection while upgrading and see how many more has this issue

I changed the Topic Name to fit it more

Well, will keep an eye on this because now I’m curious ^^

I honestly thought about boosting a new Druid and try to equip it again :smiley: But it wouldnt be the same. Funny thing: Try to delete your character… it doesnt work and ends with an error.

I think I’ll just wait for help from the Support xD not worth risking it to delete it completely xD

Hey Supergirlbun, i got an awnser on my ticket with some helping advices. For me they sadly didnt work, but maybe you have more luck thats why i post them for you, in the case your ticket isnt awnsered yet.

There can be several reasons for this issue to happen that’s why I am sending you a number of steps that can help resolve this issue. This might look complicated or overwhelming at first but if you follow the guides it should be quiet easy to do.

It’s really important that you follow each step to the heart for it to have a chance to resolve your problem.

Before you start please open your WoW folder go into Retail (or classic if you play Wotlk Classic) and delelte: Cache, WTF and Interface

Once you did this start with:

Once the launcher started (which might take a bit longer than usual) please pick the game you have issues with, click on the little blue wheel (options) and run the Scan & Repair. Afterwards let it just sit there for 3-5 minutes. Sometimes it will start downloading or updating something.

Now try running the game again and if anything has changed.

  • Could you please un-install all your security software for a test? You can of course reinstall them again afterwards.

So please remove any firewall, virus scan or related security software from your PC. Restart your PC and try to run our software and games again. If it’s working your security software was blocking something.

You can now reinstall it and hopefully it will keep working. If it won’t work after you reinstalled it you will have to look into setting it up and configuring it correctly.

  • If you are using WLAN/Wifi please try connecting your PC or Laptop using a LAN cable instead.

Sadly even today wireless connections can be the cause of such issues and are not the most steady connection.

  • Could you please make sure you have the latest drivers and all Windows-Updates installed?

Important are:

  • Graphicscard
  • Soundcard
  • Networkadapater
  • Chipset

If you need help finding drivers or how to update them have a look here:

  • Could it be you have any kind of VPN or Proxy software installed? Popular examples would be Hamachi or Teamviewer. If you got any such software installed please deinstall it and restart your PC. Please try running our software and games again afterwards. I know such software can be very useful but sadly they often create a massive amount of issues with other software and games.

If you need this VPN or proxy software for work or if it’s a work PC/Laptop you should talk to your IT administrator at work about it.

After the restart your PC will start using only the most basic setup and programs the PC needs, not loading a lot of the other software you installed. Once restarted please try these steps, even if you did them before:

  • In order for us to check what still might be causing this problem and to see the changes you did we need your new systemfiles.

How to create them:

Good luck :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Thanks for the reports about this!

We’ve had other cases like this as well and the issue is currently under investigation.

Unfortunately we have no workaround at the moment.


Hey, thanks for the info, they said exactly the same for me. Sadly didn’t work either :frowning: Think I’ll just stop playing till this issue gets solved because can’t enjoy the game at the moment due it - wanted to work on it before patch to increase my ratings.

Thank you for additional information, appreciated it! Hopefully they will be able to sort it out. :slight_smile:

Hey all,

just wanted to tell:

Servers just got a Maintenance restart and (at least for me) the problem is solved.
I can log into my Char again.

Maybe you can spread the good news if one or two others confirm that it works again.

Thanks to the support Team for that effort <3

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