Disconnect between Warlock & Overall design philosophy

Demonic Cores
Our goal with reining in the Demonic Core economy is to bring Demonology closer to Affliction and Destruction in terms of mobility. Warlocks provide powerful utility and have access to incredible survivability and mobility has usually been their weakness in exchange for those strengths. However, we are watching discussions happening across the community and thinking through feedback as it comes in.

This makes sense to me in a vacuum and is a design philosophy I’d agree with. However when it comes to EVERY OTHER CLASS nobody else is losing mobility, and quite a few are getting even more mobility creep. DK which is the prime wheelchair class is getting a better Divine Steed. A bunch of classes are getting more CC, again.

PVP is already a complete mess with 41928364782574 CC on every class making it virtually impossible to hardcast anything, you now making it so you have to spam cast shadow bolts
(reality: get locked out of casting for 50 seconds at a time by infinite micro cc and kicks, or if you by some miracle fake a cast you get a whopping single cast of something off)
because you’ll have no demonic cores available at this state is just a death sentence. Not to mention demon bolt is your only relevant damage that isn’t linked to a pet that can be snared, rooted, CC-d etc.

tl;dr if you want to nerf warlock mobility then consider fixing all the other problems on both mobility and CC fronts for all classes instead of randomly selecting 1 spec to punish for no particular reason. I’m all for reducing CC and mobility across the board but you’re doing the opposite to every other class.

obligatory “or just give me back metamorphosis”


It’s something I wrote in another topic, which is that it’s definitely true that if a class excels at something it must have a weakness to compensate for its great power. Then I look at some casters such as mages and balance druids who have very high damage, excessive mobility with defenses that are even more effective than a warlock.

But other classes also have practically only strength points, paladins once had to have very high damage with little mobility, whereas now they are more mobile and do a lot of damage at a distance. There’s no point talking about Demon Hunters.

It would be very interesting if every demon bolt had a chance of being able to instantly cast a buffed Hand of Guldan’s instant and dogs granted only demonic core once they expired.

On Metamorphosis: it would be very interesting if we could have something similar with attractive graphics and a certain usefulness without the total transformation into a demon. For example, it would be enough to replace the Tyrant (I’m not a fan of this spell) with Demonic Knowledge, instant, which infuses the demons and the caster with forbidden knowledge, increasing the damage and duration of the demons themselves (perhaps eliminating CC, root) with the graphics similar to the old Dark Apotheosis (the current Malevolence of the Hero Talent Hellcaller graphically does a very similar thing). In this way we would kill two birds with one stone by having a kind of Metamorphosis that satisfies both us and Blizzard.

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