Disconnect during vision

This game is constantly get disconnects, it happens many times for many people in arena, battle grounds and dungeons. I need to mention WOW cannot handle disconnects properly, on disconnect it freezes the whole game, it cannot restore connection after disconnect happens. The only option is to restart the whole game which take several minutes. My internet is fine and very fast, i have no issues watching youtube and playing others games, only wow get these disconnects.

This time i got disconnect when i was inside vision and guess what…
Nothing i can do, can only try again it next week. Due to Blizzard technical issue i failed to upgrade my cloak to level 7. It was not first time. Last week i lost my vision because world server was down.
My question is: If Blizzard know that disconnect and load zone failures are normal in this game and happens from time to time why they created this vision system??? when one single disconnect can broke the whole game??
You know old systems, like raids, battlegrounds can handle disconnects better because you can connect later or you can play it again. But I cannot play my vision again, very very bad design. I would not play these vision at all, but play something else, like dungeons or battlegrounds, but i have to, because all character progression requires visions. Very bad game design.

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zhttps://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mac-issues-crashing-lagging-and-stuttering-after-83/119195 48h without news or answer.
TOP prio for your compagnie. Time to assume.

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