Disconnect on every pet battle

Hello, i decided to become a pokemon trainer, but every time I battle a pet I disconnect… Why???

In prepatch Blizzard seem to have introduced a bug.

As best I understand the bug, Demon Hunters disconnect the first time they try to battle after logging in, but can battle after they log back in. This sounds crazy, but I’ve experienced it myself. Other classes seem unaffected, or perhaps just less affected. It may not be as simple(?) as that, but it has been reported as a bug, and there is nothing we can do about it until Blizzard fixes it.

Your armoury is 404 but I guess by your achievement points that you have other classes available to try on.

Have you looked up the standard useful addons, sites and guides for pet battles? If you want any tips, let us know. There is no friendlier community in WoW than pet battlers!

P.S. Hmmm…

i found out that if i am mounted when initiating the pet battle I disconnect, if I dismount before it works

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