Disconnection in HardCore - add safe spot feature

Hi all,
last night something weird happened:

  • was playing HC —> Disconnected (and dead for that) → update from battlenet
  • switched to retail → disconnected → update from battlenet

looks like the disconnection pike in both cases was related to the game update. I really want to play HC mode, i think it’s challenging and funny. but dying for dced is not funny nor challenging, just rng. In retail i can just resurrect. in HC i loose hundreds of hours of gameplay.

The most weird thing was that in HC i quickly reconnect after the update and I found my health at 20% with one green mob hitting me. I spammed the potion, but it didn’t go through…yes…DCED again…
I do recommend to add a feature in HC only that allows players to have a pre-screen (during the login of a character) asking something like “you have been recently disconnected, want to go into a safe space?” meaning a character stuck feature directly, without needed of going into an alt to do that.