Disconnects and Unable to log on to game, or view webpage (sometimes)

So i’ve had plenty of disconnects this evening, I tried updating my game etc to fix it; nothing has fixed it.
It all started with a suspicious error of “Account info has been changed”.
So I went to check my account, and nothing seemed out of order there - no weird log ins, no changed information, etc.
I changed my PW just in case.

Ever since that one error, I’ve had a constant flow of DCs throughout the evening, and it has come to points where I can’t even check the WoW EU website, I can check US tho; it is just stuck on “loading” on EU.

I managed to make this topic now, but I suspect the issue will continue soon.
Hope whatever is causing this is found and fixed.

Thanks but this is not the same issue.
I said it possibly - started it -; But I have had DC’s the entire evening after as well as issues viewing the webpage.

It absolutely is. This is just the way It infrastructure work happens.

As explained in more detail that thread, to safely enable them to potentially make changes to your Battlenet account requires them to make sure you are not connected to it in any way that could itself potentially make changes, including but not limited to purchases, tickets, forum posts, looting accountbound items…

Because if you finalize your changes after they finalize theirs, then their work was for nothing.

And as long as the work is ongoing (they appear to be putting in overtime), these random disconnects will continue to happen. That´s why they´re doing it at what amounts to nighttime here, so they impact as few people as possible.