Disconnects on a daily basis

Hello, I’ve been having disconnects on a regular basis, a few a day, maybe once every two or three hours on average, but it’s not exactly regular either.

It happens mostly while moving, either in combat or underwater. I instantly kicks me out to the login screen and lets me log back in straight away (so I’m back only a couple seconds after). If I had to get it feels more like I’m kicked, maybe because of some desync. I’m thinking that because it seems to happens in situations where I move around a bunch.
I’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps from the “Disconnected from Blizzard Services” article, to no avail. I spent dozen of hours to make sure it’s not an addon or even CVar issue but I ended up getting disconnect even on a completely fresh UI.
My connection to the IPs the client connects to also seems fine, I’m talking sub 0.1% packet loss, 40ms worse spike. I’m on fiber internet, wired to my router.
Also I don’t experience similar issues with other games or online services.

It doesn’t make the game unplayable as I don’t play hardcore but it’s certainly irritating, and I’m unsure how to troubleshoot further than that.

PS: Classic Anniversary realm, I haven’t played on other clients for months now, but back when I played Cataclysm Classic on launch I didn’t have such issue.

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Having exactly the same issue, instant DC without any lag and I can log straight back in to find myself casting the spell I had queued.

Haven’t noticed any rhyme or reason to it, in combat out of combat, moving/casting/crafting etc. it’s happening whenever multiple times a day.

Playing Season of Discovery.

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Have had the same issue in retail for the last couple days. Had some losses in arena because of it. Very frustrating.

Same By me Here Got a Big Ammount of Disconnects in Season of Discovery in the New Instance ( Karazhan Crypts ). And a meager ammount of Disconnects in Temple of Ahn Qiraj. I Reinstalled the Game Deleted Cache + WTF Folder. Builded Up a Complete new UI just like a one from my Guild member and he doesnt Gets a Kick Back in Log in Screen. Its rlly frustraiting and makes me rlly rlly Angry… I Tried it with an annother Internet From my Phone ( Endless Gigabyte ). So if i Frogot something pls Tell me :confused:
