Discord what's the point?

For me is like 20 ºC, I live on a small village and my house is on some sort of hill, so the back of my house is 2 meters under the ground (where my room us), that helps a lot on keep the temperature low.


Are you a hobbit?!?!

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Then I’m from Mordor! xD

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The roof of my house is not covered with ground :cat:
But the fact I live in a small village is amazing, my house have like 300m^2 and 2 floors.

Plus I have a lot of animals. ^^

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Why though? Why would any of us lie about having active discords? What would we gain from that?

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I said don’t assume it’s the default. Never said you’re lying. I’ve seen dead guild discords too. I’m just saying that there are guilds who are very much active on discord outside of raid times. Your experience is not other’s experience.

I am on a high-pop realm, but your issue has less to do with realm population and more to do with guild choice.

Why would anyone even lie about something like this?


Sounds lovely! I live in a city so I only have a tiny courtyard…there is a whole empty meadow behind my house that hasn’t been touched because you can’t get to it with a tractor and I asked the owner if he would sell it to me…but he said no :frowning: . He would rather buy my house, demolish it and put appartments where my house is and parking where the meadow is…


OP I suppose it might also depend on the type of guilds you are joining. If, for instance, you are joining “social” guilds with mass recruitments that include adding random people from the open world with a certain annoying addon… they tend to be incredibly unsocial with very little communication where as guilds who properly recruit and get to know each other and become friends over time are generally far more chatty.

How has the turnover of members been in your guilds? how many members did they have? that should give an indication of how “social” they are.


That’s sad :crying_cat_face:

The bad of live on a small village is that you have nothing, no internet, no services.

colourful-small-short-house-in-between-large-apartment-buildings-in-GJ3FE1.jpg (1300×956) (alamy.com)

Feels like this :rofl:

Where do you live Tifa? You could accidentally throw some wildflower seeds over into the meadow for bee’s :wink:

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Haha I planted some tulips there last year :rofl:


You should have planted hops and made your own brewery.

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Mine is something like that, without the swimming pool, more fruit trees and flowers arround and the back is on a hill.


Splendid idea!

He’s older than I am so I am hoping he realises soon he won’t win the “let’s see who lives longest and get’s to buy the piece of land they want” battle!

Oooh that’s lovely!

A true place of nature for a druid to live. ^^

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Inviting me over are you? :smirk: