Discovery Channel - laid back social raiding guild


The newly formed guild “Discovery Channel” is looking for additional people to take a laid back approach of raiding in TWW.

Your server or faction does not matter anymore outside of the RDF

To the guild:

The existing core raided together in P1 of SoD (hence the name :slight_smile: )

  • We are currently only around 6-8 people.
  • 1 raid day per week (might change depending on how progress goes)
  • Aiming for 10 - 20 people raid max.
  • Endgoal is AOTC

While we do have experienced players and raiders the majority of us did not raid much outside of classic, SoD or other games.

Several people have cleared the current tier already on normal and also killed a few heroic bosses in the first week and we try to continue from there for now with a weekly Normal clear and starting with heroic once this is smooth. :yum:

There wont be something like a loot council or, loot trading, it will be just roll for items you need for your mainspec if no one needs it for their mainspec, offspec can roll.

Our expectations for new joiner are:

  • be active - we don’t mind if you join only with an alt as long as you are participating in the guild shenanigans.
  • will to improve - We dont mind if you are new and never played the game before as long as you are actively trying to improve with us :hugs:
  • dont be a di** - we do not want to have any sort of toxicity for each other outside of some fun banter

We are currently still looking for dps or healer/tanks if they dont mind to swap to dps every now and then.

People who just want to have a good time, without raiding are also more than welcome :slight_smile:

If you have any questions and want to know more feel free to contact me on:
Bnet: Tanaro#21731
Discord: tanaro_lul

lugg champ

We are slowly growing!

First raid is scheduled for this Sunday (moving forward this will change most likely to Wednesday)

And we still have some space for more people :slight_smile:
(mainly dps)

People who just want to have a good time, without raiding are also more than welcome :slight_smile:

We got 8/8 normal clear in one go and also killed the first boss in HC on our first raid day.
It’s going very smooth!

In addition we still looking for some more people, not only people interested in raiding but also a few that would like to give M+ some tries and learn how to do it. :slight_smile: