We dont need luck. We have activity
It’s true. You have great taste in anime Moody, by the way
Its called a double-u but we dont say double-uhy.
Bellular video intro music plays
UUhat do you mean
It’s actually pronounced uwu
no in 10 characters
been clicking this headline like mad but the article won’t load does anyone have a link?
Lupus, all your arguments were torn apart instantly and instead of reconsidering your own stance, you say
You literally say that there is no point in discussing something, if you don’t win the argument
There are far more people outside of their community than there are in it. If you get the impression that the PCU is able to control everything with numbers and/or that they make up the bulk of RP on the Horde, you’re falling for the forum-based advertising.
There are other communities out there that are able to amass more than a raid’s worth of roleplayers on rather short notice, these events just aren’t public or advertised on the forums. There’s a whole bunch of organised and unorganised roleplay out there entirely unconnected to their community.
I can’t recall the last RP-PvP campaign that the Horde-side PCU was involved in that wasn’t at least partially organised by that community. Other campaigns that were not organised by this community never had any participation from them in the first place.
And again, there were plenty of these campaigns, the vast majority just weren’t publicly advertised or displayed on the forums.
One last thing to add is that IC, they used to be the Stygian Legion, which was considered to be the community for Sylvanas loyalists by a lot of people and the people you had to roleplay with if your character wanted to fight against Sylvanas loyalists.
After 8.2.5, they have become the Saurfang Legion and that Sylvanas loyalist theme has disappeared. So a lot of the motivation for any IC conflict with them within the Horde (that apparently led to OOC drama) has gone up in smoke. You don’t need to worry about them using numbers to gain the upper hand in a conflict, because there’s no real conflict any more.
In short, you’re placing too much importance on the PCU. A lot of people have.
They’re just one group of roleplayers that are doing their own thing and it’s incredibly easy to avoid them and have nothing to do with them if that’s what you want to do, especially since 8.2.5.
Perhaps with time, if people get over themselves and stop fearmongering about this one community supposedly dominating Horde RP and being literally Satan, they can focus on their own roleplay and their own enjoyment that has nothing to do with the PCU. And maybe, after enough time, the healing process can eventually begin.
Stop making them out to be more important and intimidating than they are. They’re just roleplayers.
Never reflect when you can just meme the nasty posts away.
What is the bigger number, Taxania?
c’mon, just admit you’re loving the free publicity that you get from the likes of Lupús
Sounds to me like a lot of people just being smart by agreeing that the PCU, as a pillar of RP on Argent Dawn, is important.
The doesn’t allow character death, the does, the wins.
Thought people had grown up out of ‘pillar’ usage? Or are we back to that bs lol
Might be true. I know there’s lots of great (RP PVP) campaigns out there that are kept secret.
I am a towering marble Colossus of the community
I don’t know, what’s your opinion on it as the pillar of erp on Argent Dawn?
Back into the maw and take that tumblr bs with you.