[Discussion] [H] [RP] The Horde RP scene

if u enjoy hundreds of rebel rpers calling sylvanas every derogatory word under the sun that isn’t something racist

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I mean she did bring it on herself what with all the war crime.

I love the part of the cinematic where the big titted female troll in the background yelled “B*TCH QUEEN” loads.


true remember when all the rebels in the cinematic started yelling derogatory stuff at her

my favourite part

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500 characters is twelve and a half full raids.

Do you think twelve full raids of people is an accurate depiction of the turnout?


I’ve seen that event, I’d say even 150 would be a generous estimation. (not to mention the -crazy inappropriate- things people were yelling)

Please don’t say I’m as bad as someone that would call me a (1940s fascist) for RPing with some cool dudes.

I know you’re trying to stress that you aren’t trying to personally attack someone, but this is pretty insulting.


I think you forgot a decimal place in that 500 with the big attendance on the wall

Shame it deviated completely from the cinematic both in terms of content and timescale but I guess that accounts for the decreased attendence =(

And you can feel like you play this same tired character across all your alts like you have done for years and years, Reshthul - none of which are engaging

Another epic “I’m neutral and everyone makes mistakes but does anyone else think PCU bad?”

You truly are a universal constant

Sure it is - you’re just not brave enough to stand by your words

Also like, Dolmio Day in Mulgore?


Skraugh my boy that is some non committal centrist posting you’re freestyling up there.

All its missing is an opening of “You know, I’ve learned something today…”


surely not the master of math…

I’ll divide 500 by 40 again in a heartbeat


Let’s not pretend Blizz servers would survive 500 people in one place


Tink tink :triangular_flag_on_post:


Can’t remember how many raids drums of war had, but It’d be fair to say that if 500 people were in durotar, we’d know.

Infact, the PCU brewfest event just next door had 0 lag while doing their eating competition and Ram races.


Remember guys, if you don’t get complete agreement, disregard the post. If anything in there might be negative, run from it, disavow, demean it, do whatever you can to never reflect on the opinions of others if they are not 100% positive.


I think Tirisfal was pushing toward 250 (6 raids, 3 per faction) when the servers crashed because they are incapable of holding that many people in one area


yeah that seems like your mantra for life.

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You keep posting the same thing and since you can’t back up your nervous posting you’re stuck in that loop

However, you’re in the literal dolmio day guild so I know that your disapproval directly correlates to the PCU’s quality


My reaction towards this type of input is a bit mixed. Lupùs has given his feedback and you’re basically telling him that he’s doing it wrong, or that his point isn’t as important as others.

While yours is a reasonable reply, it inevitably reinforces the status quo considering he just got what, fifty, sixty replies of people calling him names. In such a situation, he’s being questioned on all fronts (with all types of people calling him out) and therefore I think this attitude can’t be properly diplomatic, because it just ends up disregarding the situation which made said player uncomfortable, which is clearly the problem for this player, for example.

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Lions should not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep

Or dragons in this case