[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

A new year’s miracle.

We alt posting? Cool

I too shall altpost.


Cool in ten characters.

For the Horde.

Sin’dorei in Stormwind should expect negative reactions out of people. And what -is- this about Guards arresting people for speaking about another race IC? Much as people want the Guards to act like a current year Police Force, it shouldn’t really be the case as much as you want it as such. It feels more like petty Second Life RP than anything else. And if they do even do that IC, No offence to them, They need their priorities checked.

Couldn’t agree more.

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I really don’t get why so many void elves are against being pooped on IC. Ain’t that kind of the point of their whole story? That they are mistrusted and shunned for being all cursed and whatever. Kinda the same with DKs and DHs except this one is a race instead of a class.

It’s why I created my void elf. For the whole “Your loyalties are not certain” deal.


Not to mentioning that unlike for example worgen, it’s a self-afflicted curse/shunning mostly. The turning into purple skinned elves wasnt entirely what was planned, but the entire thing about them is that they were all told to “maybe chill on this bad magic stuff?” and collectivly went “Lol no, we do what we want, consequences be damned!”

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This is another thing people forget! Void elves are freaking scholars and researchers! People who were determined to find new ways to defend Silvermoon with whatever means necessary.

They’re patriots. My velf’s whole deal is that he’s just waiting for his kind to return to their home in Quel’thalas. It’s “inevitable” in his eyes. And for a race that has people who have lived for hundreds (Or thousands in some cases) years, you would think that they would be patient in this whole “exile” thing.


Yup, it even says it on the wowpedia if you do some checking, so it’s not super difficult to miss either.

“Umbric and his followers never felt loyalty to the Horde, but to Silvermoon. After having mastered the Void and having been transformed, they hope to bring Silvermoon back into the Alliance, for they do not trust the Horde with their power.”

But I feel there is an implication here, that what if they don’t trust the Alliance with their power either? They could very well decide that and jump ship to make their own splinter faction, especially since the end goal in order to bring Silvermoon in under their control is “transformation”.

Getting forcefully transformed by that ethereal was self afflicted?
Also some worgen are self afflicted, drink the blood and all.

As I said, the transformation itself wasnt self-afflicted. But their entire study of the void/being outcasts is, as they chose it themselves. And seeing how they intended/possibly still intend to just keep researching until something happens, an accumulation of it, then turning purple was probably the least bad.

They didn’t all go purple. Some just turned paper white, with some reddy blusher around their eyes.

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Turned into goth elves.


But none are thicc, damn elves…

I want mah big tiddy goth gf.

Quick question; Are there any goth tauren ladies?

It’s not only void elves, you can’t even act suspicious around locks, DKs or DHs anymore either because you know, that’s racist.

Err… Classist.


I see no issue with contentious RP towards Warlock or Death Knights when appropriate IC, but when someone threatens to arrest you for simply being one, or demanding imaginary licenses (this happens too often to count) to be one etc is when I start to feel like i’m experiencing some poorly conduct RP/fail rp.


This whole ‘‘license to be a warlock’’ is so stupid. Is there any Point in lore where this exist? I’ve read all books except the Illidan one, and I’ve yet to encounter this crap.

Happened on Earthen Ring and some nice folk thought its ok to bring it over