[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

I never said this.

To give credit too atleast regarding the Draenei back then(Nowdays its very odd I think)

One of the first non-draenei NPC you come across is a wounded night elf who is horrified and calls you Eredar/Demons.


He’s subtly telling you to stop posting under GG’s tag


Outside of one (1) reference in the dungeon journal to a wrath boss, he’s never mentioned amywhere. He is a none-entity.

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Shame on you

This is kinda what I mean, he was a footnote in the warcraft history at best and with completly no good/redeeming personality traits whatsoever. So to base a majority of a character concept on him is always a little odd to me.

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Doesn’t mean he’s not canon.

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He literally wanted to save his people. People of Lordaeron. He is pretty redeemable, with BIG hate towards Elves.

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Truly the worst kind of racism


t. solariousyrius bloodblade arcanemight sunwrath of silvermoon


Doesn’t mean he’s as well remembered or even well known as people make him out to be either. Considering everyone who stuck with him became ghoul kibble.

Well nobody is saying he isn’t canon.

The main problem is that the Alliance themselves blame Garithos for the Blood Elves joining Illidan and leaving the Alliance.
I would also say that the Night Elves do have to share in some of the blame for pushing the Silvermoon Elves to the Horde.

Yeah but everyone uses Garithos as an example. I had this encounter with a void elf about two months ago when my character called hers ‘traitor of traitors’ for betraying the alliance then betraying the horde and then she acted surprised for the prejudice. Then she summoned Garithos as an example, which my character hadn’t heard of. I haven’t seen anyone else really use any other example e.g. the guy in hillsbrad that beheaded his wife or something as signs of racism against orcs. Just Garithos.


I heard that if someone mentions racism against gnomes on the forums the Assemblage hitsquad visits them in their h


He didnt so much though. He showed a very casual, if almost no respect for even his human soldiers. He was pretty much only driven by “I hate the elves, so therefore I hate everyone that isn’t litterally me”.

There is however a bit of a misunderstanding sometimes with his betrayal of his own forces. At that point, he was posessed/brainwashed, a bit odd to explain since he was actually possessed, yet the story/game treats it like the Banshee didnt take over his body but instead just warped his mind.

Hating on gnomes is pretty popular among Stormwind RPers. I‘ve even been harassed by dwarves in Ironforge.

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I haven’t been with those jokers in decades. They tag haunts me like a regrettable tattoo.

It’s not fine if the person projects his radical OOC beliefs regarding real world race into WoW and thinly veils it with “but its just WoW racism”. You can almost always hear it out when they just try to live out some weird fantasy of theirs.

The same goes for the SW anti-racist crowd. Very weird people in WoW.

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Use Himalayan Mountain Salt To Get Rid Of It Mate


That was private information.