[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

Yet gnomes are essentially the most loyal species/allies to the Alliance as a whole. They’ve been nothing but A+ best folks.


Just because a person didn’t know them personally doesn’t mean they can’t share opinions. It’s an insight into what people like him believed. Yes, not EVERY human is gonna be a Garithos copy, but just because there was only one Garithos doesn’t mean there’s gonna be 0 other people that think how he does.

In the case of the Blood Elves, you’re literally a nation of enemy combatants. There’s a chance that people have even participated in this great race war of Azeroth that’s been raging for the last 33 years AGAINST the Blood Elves. To be surprised and say that it’s weird that people still hate Blood Elves because the canon knife-ear hater isn’t memorialized with a lexicon or statue in the valley of heroes is a bit weird


He did retake Dalaran from Scourge, though. Pretty big, isn’t it?

And with that, he just didn’t really get a chance to do anything.


Which is perfectly fine! Warcraft is a setting full of xenophobia, it’s entirely valid to incorporate that into your character’s personality and background.

Now that your mention Void Elves especially; yes, they are fairly creepy looking and we have somewhat recent information that they aren’t generally thought highly of. If that is your reason for having a character reject [insert race of choice], that’s absolutely fine.

I’ll try to be concise: You need to maintain a healthy distance to your character.

If you do end up taking things personally, things that are supposed to be comparable to performing a scene on stage, you haven’t distanced yourself enough. Or as the recent trend goes:

It oftentimes leads to OOC grievances, due to a character actually being the player more or less playing as themselves, and them being treated in a way the player doesn’t agree with. You now have a player who feels angry or bitter towards other RPers. A grudge is born.

It poisons the well. That’s my main gripe with it.

And to round off, this does go both ways. “Characters” howling about racism in Stormwind as if it’s some shockingly new and naturally repugnant thing. At best they haven’t been paying attention, at worst they have and simply don’t care.

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That’s very true yeah, I’ll admit that.

And I do agree as well that they didn’t let him do much else other than have him scream at some characters then get possessed.

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im thinking

we shouldn’t be using every single modern day acceptance and every modern day pc attitude bc wow isnt modern day

why would anyone in wow know what the word fascist means

why would anyone in wow care about appearing racist within their own city when wars are started over racism against the opposite faction

not to slam peace loving characters like u do u idc but we shouldnt treat wow like the modern day bc its not

also stop taking ic into ooc


Garithos was never taken over by Sylv. He was mind controlled by Detheroc, who Sylv killed which freed him. He then willingly assisted Sylv in retaking Capital City (on the promise that she’d then leave) at which point she had Varimathras kill him and her ghouls ate his corpse.

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:point_right: :crab: :door:

Enough of your clacking, lobstrok man


We were on completely different wavelengths, i must have misread and thought you’d put people dredging up Garithos IC.

Like in my OP in this thread: i din’t care whether your character hates elves??? But there is deffo bad ways to convey racism like Perroy said; Garrosh stans are a big offender.

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Yeah, I don’t like crab people either.

Okay, that clears it up alot, thanks. It’s been a while since I both played it and read into any additional story points, so apologies for/if I got things wrong a bit there.

Well, thing is, I don’t attach myself to my characters. That’s a first.

Secondly, I believe that the recent news of Void Elf killing a recruit for the 7th Legion Vanguard is pretty big. Turning him into goo with the Void? Even bigger.

Plus, do you believe an average Joe would really care for them? They are infused with the Void and have recently been banned from Silvermoon. My character would only see them as a threat, nothing more.


Yeah, IC racism is pretty cool and can create plenty of roleplay. Btw, any idea if the Crier is going to be in SW today?


I think that you’re omitting some details of that incident. Firstly, that blood elf was apparently a Horde Defector; a RP concept which I’ve occasionally see throughout BFA.

Secondly, the aggressors (being you and your guild) were rather determined to KILL someone in the very streets of Stormwind; to the point that bystanders got involved and hurt by said aggressors. Ofcourse the Guard would get involved.

Thirdly, we aren’t pirates. Just because we don’t agree with your characters’ course of actions and decide to assist the guards doesn’t really change our guild concept.

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Aaaand here comes the thread derailed. :confused:

Okay I am now interested in a surely well constructed argument to follow

Okay this is just IC stuff so where is the argument


the only acceptable horde defectors are void elves sorry

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  1. belf in the city, get out
  2. belf in the city, kill it



In addition to this btw, I wonder what any 7th legion/Alliance soldiers thought about seeing Umbric & company raise up a giant Dinosaur skellington full of -very- obviously bad void magic and tentacles.

Even if you absolutley hate the horde, necromancy is generally viewed as a big no no and that sight itself would probably be a bit unnerving.


If you’re a belf that defected, are you even a belf by that point?