[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

Imagine being defeated by a human

i hate all alliance races bar for old alliance races. except elfs… damn void elfs, they ruined high elves with coming from horde.

Also what is mechagnome? its just a gnome.

It’s a gnome with mecha things.

You wouldn’t get it.

lol he said a bad word a lot


painful amount of dwarves seem to use that as inspiration :pensive:


A whole bunch of RP dwarves are like a Futurama robot. Needs a set amount of alochol in them to function.

I do not confirm or deny any relation…

At all…


warhammer dwarfs in warcraft should be gassed

dwarf fortress ones are ok

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Good to see Dwarf Necromancers exist.

Dude, you keep bumping threads so they don’t close.


casual reminder that the warlock trainer in northshire abby is just standing in the open next to the tiny graveyard, with an imp out and about no less, yet no one seems to mind.

I always saw that as kind of a “this is a backwater, so he can do that” kind of thing. Although, I do admit it’s strange for an Abbey of all places to allow this, considering it is a significant religious site in the lore.

But I agree that “demon certificates” are probably not a thing. Why would you allow warlocks to have demons in big cities under any circumstance? It’s far safer and easier to just outright decline and keep your citizens content rather than do the bureaucracy for no apparent payoff.

I always saw that as a gameplay over lore kind of thing, I guess?

I mean there’s more what the hell situations around the game, anyone remember the massive amounts of normal gnomes serving the evil Dark Iron clan?

Either that’s a gameplay thing as we didn’t see em during the recruitment scenario anymore, OR apparently there’s a third city full of gnomes that predate the fall of Gnomeregan.

I always figured the gnomes building their golems were 3rd party, like the goblin cartels

most other gnomes you meet are in the arena and tavern so I always counted them as visitors and more scummy civilians, I mean all things considered the city was running like a normal capital with a bank, and smiths etc.

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With even a band playing as well. Grim Guzzler stood out as a kind of underground Bar where every shady person, regardless of race & origin was welcome.

I certainly didn’t feel welcome on my warlock, having to fight my way through a city to reach it :angry:

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Maybe they lived there when Ragnaros was summoned, and thus were enslaved just as the dwarves were.

I’ve barely read any of the thread (sorry Aegeil…) but to answer the title: Yes

Thread concluded, Elyrius saves the day again, you’re all welcome

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