Discussion: Villain RP

I was imagining the same to be honest…
And when the Knights arrive, (mine is probably amongst them.) They say…:
“Oh hi Mark!”

And expose the Lich, Markal Blackscar… Isn’t it epic?

And Markal… Kills them all? With ice…

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Quilty? Is that what you want to hear?

I am quilty of a far more monstrous crime. I am quilty of being a Grimtotem.


You are not on trial for being a Grimtotem.


Oh, YES I am. I have been on trial for that my entire life!


Have you nothing to say in your defense?


Only this: I did not do it. I did -not- kill Baine, but I WISH that I HAD.

Watching your pacifist chieftain get Dragged into the dungeons gave me more relief than a thousand lying harlots!

I wish I was the monster that you think I am! I WISH I had enough blight for the whole pack of you; I’d gladly give my life to watch you swallow it!


Sir Koiffen! Sir Koiffen! take the prisoner back to his Cell!


I will NOT give my life for Baine’s murder, and I KNOW I’ll get no justice here, so I will let the developers decide my fate!

I demand a trial by /roll!


Rolls 99
Ah. Get on my level.
Atahalni rolls 100

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A villain is made, not created. I know some of you will get what I mean by that.

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I find it slightly hard to take a lot of villain characters seriously, mostly due to the fact that in order to justify their threat, they boost their character’s power level to what I find ridiculous standards. It comes across as power playing, playing solely for a sense of superiority to the average player.

Not unique to villain rpers, obviously. Many DK rpers do it. It’s just that ‘power’ in rp is hard for me to take seriously since it’s a completely imaginary construction.

Have some henchmen, at least. Rely on people. Create stories outside of your own.

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RP’ing anything is great so long as the people you rp with accept they can lose and you accept you can lose too, if this bothers you then maybe you might be better off playing some single player game where it is unlikely your actions have repercussions, also if you do evil actions your character grows horns and turns red, COOL!

This bothers me a fair bit because I see a lot of people falling short, if you’re rp’ing an evil character you have to be smart about it unless you want a brief life.

Get your underlings to do stuff, always have bodyguards around, have spies ic give you information, don’t hang around cities where they would hang you on sight, shield yourself with beurocracy, that’s just a few things.

Being an utter tin-pot villain and doing evil stuff, metagaming knowing about plans, acting utterly chaotic with no use, getting away with all of this and then having to rely on the goodwill of others so that you do not get exterminated?

I sleep.

Bonus points for saying you are unreachable in some kind of alternate dimension that looks like a place, but isn’t actually! waves hands wooOOooo!

In my experience and as many other in the thread have pointed out, things get difficult when it comes to consequences. Either you get splattered in a one shot adventure or you become a laughable 80s cartoon villain “Next time Gadget! Next time!”. The only route I’ve had any long term success with is playing the token evil teammate. You do evil stuff, you have an antagonistic relationship with the others, maybe a few fights break out but mostly importantly you’re not the BBEG. Being the big bad evil guy just isn’t sustainable, at least in my opinion.

Make sure not to put all villains in a single pot. There are different kinds of role-players, and I know many good villains.

My character isn’t a villain per se, but he is perceived in that way.

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I have had a good few villainous moments with Atahalni- with more to come, if he manages to pull off a plan he’s been brewing for a while now.

Rakhuul’s also been a good sport.

It’s about threat management.

If you become known as the BBEG, your life is forfeit and they will come for you, ALL OF THEM.

Muddy the waters, be useful and indisposable to certain powerful individuals, plausible deniability, kill/mindwipe witnesses.

And yeah, people being good guys can be just as troublesome.

We had one guy in the Hand who decided he wanted to help a slave (for questionable reasons) so he picked a fight with us, yelled about how he was going to tell Talanji about the Hand of Zul’s illicit activities, made it so that his character was a huge threat to the future of the guild.

One utterly ridiculous emote fight later he is incapacitated despite fighting 1v3, having no previous combat training and we’re left in an awkward situation, while we don’t want to enforce killing a character, just letting him go would put the guild at risk?

Eventually he killed his own character then came back with another and made threats against the guild, good times.


I’m curious, didn’t they have to retcon the grenades you threw being really mild blight at the crossroads?

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you know, I don’t think a villain need henchmen, and I don’t think a villain need heroes to oppose them, nor do I think they need to lose.

it all depends on what you want out of the character ofc, if you are aiming for the BBEG then you probably do need some goons and fancy armor, some lofty motives and some wannabe heroes to foil your plans

however if you just want your character to exist in the world and want to focus on telling the story of a villain rather than hero for once, then you should have as much right to the plot armor as any other character.
because even if your goal isn’t something grand or massive, the fact you play a character that tippy toe around the law when it gets bothersome is grounds enough for lawful characters to confront you.

Maybe it is just me, but I don’t make a villain just so someone else can dispose of him, I make a character who happens to be a villain, and who may or may not be disposed of one day or they may continue to exist in the world and continue their misdeeds.

What happened was that I threw down blight grenade, not grenade(s), literally using the engineering gadget from engineering which ticks for 2-4k damage per second.

The RP then abruptly ended as we pulled back and I went to watch a series for 1 hour- After which I returned back online and apparently the single grenade had turned the whole xroads into chernobyl. Also, the inn was apparently filled to the brim with NPC orphans, women and cripples and whatnot who were now either dead or horrifyingly injured.


Just give me the infinity gauntlet already…

I haven’t retconned anything myself, I’ve just RP’d that the case was blown over proportions by rebel sympathisers as well as stygians that had a beef with Atahalni- Which has worked out for me.

I was in that inn, I got horribly maimed but nobody notices because I’m already butt-ugly.