allo there,
previously this used to be my disenchant macro and it would just DE anything without confirmation if for example the macro was on E and I would press E while hovering over gear.
/run local f=MyItem or CreateFrame("Button",x"MyItem",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type","click") f:SetAttribute("clickbutton",GetMouseFocus())
/cast Disenchant
/click MyItem X 1
however now with war within it broke because… the function got renamed to: " GetMouseFoci() "…
yes. I know.
and it no longer returns a frame but instead a table of random mess, some of which are just userdata and some are functions.
I will post my current dump of the function GetMouseFoci() here, but I can not see anything that resembles said previously returned frame.
table: 00000001082D9160
{ [0] = userdata: 00000000C7BE28C8,
["OnEnter"] = function: 00000000952006F8,
["SetItem"] = function: 000000009A43D558,
["IconOverlay"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A0440,} ,
["SetAlpha"] = function: 000000009A43D7C0,
["UpdateCooldown"] = function: 00000000952092C0,
["AugmentBorderAnim"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000000FD09E958,} ,
["showMatchHighlight"] = true,
["OnDragStart"] = function: 0000000095208610,
["OnReceiveDrag"] = function: 0000000095208BF8,
["icon"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A0BE0,} ,
["isExtended"] = false,
["OnShow"] = function: 000000009A3F51E0,
["GetBagID"] = function: 0000000095208E60,
["CheckUpdateTooltip"] = function: 0000000095209330,
["UpdateNewItem"] = function: 0000000095209020,
["IsReadable"] = function: 0000000095209250,
["count"] = 1,
["UpdateItemContextMatching"] = function: 000000009A43D398,
["SetItemButtonCount"] = function: 000000009A43D6E0,
["SetItemInternal"] = function: 000000009A43D590,
["UpdateCraftedProfessionsQualityShown"] = function: 000000009A43D3D0,
["HighlightTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C73E8,} ,
["PostOnShow"] = function: 000000009A43D2B8,
["UpdateItemContextOverlayTextures"] = function: 000000009A43D478,
["SetItemSource"] = function: 000000009A43D4E8,
["IconQuestTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C7200,} ,
["hasItem"] = 1,
["SetBagID"] = function: 0000000095208C30,
["IsExtended"] = function: 0000000095209410,
["UpdateItemContextOverlay"] = function: 000000009A43D440,
["OnLoad"] = function: 00000001046D30F0,
["PushedTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F29FE88,} ,
["levelString"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000116DF9348,} ,
["matchesSearch"] = true,
["emptyBackgroundAtlas"] = bags-item-slot64,
["GetItemButtonBackgroundTexture"] = function: 000000009A3F5160,
["Count"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000116EDAE88,} ,
["flash"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C6C48,} ,
["SetItemButtonAnchorPoint"] = function: 000000009A43D718,
["searchOverlay"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A09F8,} ,
["isProfessionItem"] = false,
["itemContextMatchResult"] = 3,
["GetItemLocation"] = function: 000000009A43DA60,
["ItemSlotBackground"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C60D8,} ,
["IconOverlay2"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A0258,} ,
["OnModifiedClick"] = function: 0000000095325DF0,
["timeSinceUpgradeCheck"] = 0,
["UpdateTooltip"] = function: 0000000095203FD8,
["GetDebugReportInfo"] = function: 00000000951DBAD0,
["bagID"] = 1,
["OnItemContextChanged"] = function: 000000009A43D248,
["GetItemContextMatchResult"] = function: 00000000951DD938,
["UpdateExtended"] = function: 0000000095209480,
["GetItemLocationCallback"] = function: 0000000106912DB0,
["UpdateJunkItem"] = function: 0000000095209090,
["HasItem"] = function: 0000000095209170,
["OnClick"] = function: 00000000951DDA18,
["flashAnim"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000000FD0BC750,} ,
["newitemglowAnim"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000000FD09E8D0,} ,
["SetHasItem"] = function: 0000000095209100,
["JunkIcon"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C62C0,} ,
["ExtendedSlot"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C64A8,} ,
["PostOnHide"] = function: 000000009A43D280,
["BattlepayItemTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C6878,} ,
["SetItemButtonScale"] = function: 000000009A43D750,
["NewItemTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C6A60,} ,
["isCraftedItem"] = false,
["AugmentBorderAnimTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C7018,} ,
["UpgradeIcon"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C6E30,} ,
["Initialize"] = function: 0000000095208F40,
["NormalTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A0070,} ,
["IconBorder"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A0628,} ,
["Cooldown"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000001114316D8,} ,
["OnEvent"] = function: 000000009A3F5260,
["OnUpdate"] = function: 0000000095203FD8,
["OnLeave"] = function: 0000000095200B90,
["SetItemButtonTexture"] = function: 000000009A3F50E0,
["OnUpdateItemContextMatching"] = function: 000000009A43D8A0,
["GetSlotAndBagID"] = function: 0000000095208ED0,
["ItemContextOverlay"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008F2A0810,} ,
["SetItemButtonQuality"] = function: 000000009A3F5020,
["GetItemContextOverlayMode"] = function: 000000009A43D408,
["GetItemID"] = function: 000000009A43D600,
["GetItemButtonCount"] = function: 000000009A43D788,
["SetReadable"] = function: 00000000952091E0,
["RegisterBagButtonUpdateItemContextMatching"] = function: 000000009A43D8D8,
["GetItem"] = function: 000000009A43D638,
["OnAttributeChanged"] = function: 0000000095207ED8,
["CheckForTutorials"] = function: 00000000952094F0,
["UpdateQuestItem"] = function: 0000000095208FB0,
["BagIndicator"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008E3C6690,} ,
["SetMatchesSearch"] = function: 000000009A43D328,
["Stock"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000116EDB950,} ,
["SetItemLocationCallback"] = function: 000000009A43DA28,
["GetItemButtonIconTexture"] = function: 000000009A3F5120,
["GetItemLink"] = function: 000000009A43D670,
["OnHide"] = function: 0000000095207CA8,
["GetItemInfo"] = function: 000000009A43D5C8,
["SetIsExtended"] = function: 00000000952093A0,
["PostOnEvent"] = function: 000000009A43D2F0,
["SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor"] = function: 000000009A3F50A0,
["SetItemLocation"] = function: 000000009A43D520,
["GetMatchesSearch"] = function: 000000009A43D360,
["SetItemButtonBorderVertexColor"] = function: 000000009A3F5060,
["Reset"] = function: 000000009A43D4B0,}
you can get this by printing the dump manually which is limited / cut off if just dumped straight to chat.
the following is by dumping the top region( [1], or rather GetMouseFoci()[1] ) of it while hovering over an item in inventory:
table: 000000008DA18D20
{ [0] = userdata: 00000000C3053AD8,
["OnEnter"] = function: 00000000036640D0,
["SetItem"] = function: 000000009D76D438,
["IconOverlay"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA6EF8,} ,
["SetAlpha"] = function: 000000009D76D6A0,
["UpdateCooldown"] = function: 0000000003669498,
["AugmentBorderAnim"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000000CD477890,} ,
["showMatchHighlight"] = true,
["OnDragStart"] = function: 0000000003668D28,
["OnReceiveDrag"] = function: 0000000003668F58,
["icon"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA7C50,} ,
["BGRUpdateCooldown"] = function: 00000000E26B6F40,
["OnShow"] = function: 00000000E9835120,
["GetBagID"] = function: 0000000003669038,
["CheckUpdateTooltip"] = function: 0000000003669508,
["ClearNewItem"] = function: 00000000E8051C60,
["UpdateNewItem"] = function: 00000000036691F8,
["IsReadable"] = function: 0000000003669428,
["count"] = 1,
["UpdateItemContextMatching"] = function: 00000000ECA6FCE0,
["SetItemButtonCount"] = function: 000000009D76D5C0,
["UpdateTextures"] = function: 00000000E8051BA0,
["SetItemInternal"] = function: 000000009D76D470,
["itemContextMatchResult"] = 3,
["UpdateCraftedProfessionsQualityShown"] = function: 000000009D76D2B0,
["HighlightTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA8B90,} ,
["matchesSearch"] = true,
["GetItemButtonBackgroundTexture"] = function: 00000000E98350A0,
["isExtended"] = false,
["PostOnShow"] = function: 000000009D76D198,
["UpdateItemContextOverlayTextures"] = function: 000000009D76D358,
["BGR"] = { ["itemCount"] = 1,
["itemLevel"] = 467,
["matchesSearch"] = true,
["earlyCallback"] = function: 000000009CF045D0,
["isJunk"] = false,
["itemLocation"] = { ["Clear"] = function: 00000000ED427CC8,
["IsEquipmentSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427DE0,
["IsEqualToBagAndSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427EC0,
["SetBagAndSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427D38,
["IsBagAndSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427E18,
["SetEquipmentSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427D70,
["slotIndex"] = 9,
["HasAnyLocation"] = function: 00000000ED427E50,
["bagID"] = 1,
["GetEquipmentSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427DA8,
["IsEqualToEquipmentSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427EF8,
["GetBagAndSlot"] = function: 00000000ED427D00,
["IsValid"] = function: 00000000ED427E88,
["IsEqualTo"] = function: 00000000ED427F30,} ,
["tooltipGetter"] = function: 00000000467CB460,
["hasNoValue"] = false,
["itemID"] = 153813,
["isBound"] = true,
["persistIconGrey"] = false,
["finalCallback"] = function: 000000009CF04650,
["itemLink"] = [Trailseeker Shotgun],
["quality"] = 2,} ,
["SetItemSource"] = function: 000000009D76D3C8,
["flash"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9330,} ,
["isProfessionItem"] = false,
["IconQuestTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA8F60,} ,
["hasItem"] = 1,
["BGRSetHighlight"] = function: 00000000E8051C20,
["SetBagID"] = function: 0000000003668FC8,
["IsExtended"] = function: 00000000036695E8,
["texturesSetup"] = true,
["UpdateItemContextOverlay"] = function: 000000009D76D320,
["OnLoad"] = function: 0000000003660C88,
["SetItemButtonQuality"] = function: 00000000E9834F60,
["PushedTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA89A8,} ,
["cornerPlugins"] = { ["equipment_set"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEAA088,
["added"] = true,} ,
["battle_pet_level"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8F5B0,
["added"] = true,
["sizeFont"] = true,} ,
["keystone_level"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8FA00,
["added"] = true,
["sizeFont"] = true,} ,
["item_level"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8FC28,
["added"] = true,
["sizeFont"] = true,} ,
["battle_pet_breed_id"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8FE50,
["added"] = true,
["sizeFont"] = true,} ,
["junk"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9CB8,
["padding"] = 0,
["added"] = true,} ,
["quantity"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8F160,
["added"] = true,
["sizeFont"] = true,} ,} ,
["SetItemButtonTexture"] = function: 00000000E9835020,
["SetItemLocation"] = function: 000000009D76D400,
["Count"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8F160,
["added"] = true,
["sizeFont"] = true,} ,
["flashAnim"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000000CD4779A0,} ,
["SetItemButtonAnchorPoint"] = function: 000000009D76D5F8,
["searchOverlay"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA7E38,} ,
["BGRStartFlashing"] = function: 00000000E8051BE0,
["MyOnLoad"] = function: 0000000088625DC0,
["GetItemLocation"] = function: 000000009D76D940,
["SetItemDetails"] = function: 00000000E52DCC10,
["IconOverlay2"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA85D8,} ,
["OnModifiedClick"] = function: 0000000003655DF0,
["SetHasItem"] = function: 00000000036692D8,
["UpdateTooltip"] = function: 0000000003667400,
["GetDebugReportInfo"] = function: 000000000363D058,
["timeSinceUpgradeCheck"] = 0,
["OnItemContextChanged"] = function: 000000009D76D128,
["GetItemContextMatchResult"] = function: 0000000003660748,
["UpdateExtended"] = function: 0000000003669658,
["GetItemLocationCallback"] = function: 00000000ECA0B5C0,
["UpdateJunkItem"] = function: 0000000003669268,
["HasItem"] = function: 0000000003669348,
["OnClick"] = function: 00000000036607F0,
["SetItemFiltered"] = function: 00000000C63F7A30,
["newitemglowAnim"] = { [0] = userdata: 00000000CD477918,} ,
["BGRUpdateQuests"] = function: 00000000E26B86A8,
["JunkIcon"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9CB8,
["padding"] = 0,
["added"] = true,} ,
["ExtendedSlot"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9AD0,} ,
["PostOnHide"] = function: 000000009D76D160,
["BattlepayItemTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA8208,} ,
["SetItemButtonScale"] = function: 000000009D76D630,
["NewItemTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9518,} ,
["isCraftedItem"] = false,
["AugmentBorderAnimTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA8D78,} ,
["UpgradeIcon"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9148,} ,
["Initialize"] = function: 0000000003669118,
["NormalTexture"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA87C0,} ,
["IconBorder"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA6D10,} ,
["Cooldown"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000114ABC8D8,} ,
["OnEvent"] = function: 00000000E98351A0,
["OnUpdate"] = function: 0000000003667400,
["OnLeave"] = function: 0000000003667CC0,
["widgetContainer"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000011436BF90,} ,
["OnUpdateItemContextMatching"] = function: 000000009D76D780,
["GetSlotAndBagID"] = function: 00000000036690A8,
["ItemContextOverlay"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA8020,} ,
["added"] = true,
["GetItemContextOverlayMode"] = function: 000000009D76D2E8,
["GetItemID"] = function: 000000009D76D4E0,
["GetItemButtonCount"] = function: 000000009D76D668,
["SetReadable"] = function: 00000000036693B8,
["RegisterBagButtonUpdateItemContextMatching"] = function: 000000009D76D7B8,
["GetItem"] = function: 000000009D76D518,
["OnAttributeChanged"] = function: 0000000003668CF0,
["CheckForTutorials"] = function: 00000000036696C8,
["UpdateQuestItem"] = function: 0000000003669188,
["BagIndicator"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA83F0,} ,
["SetMatchesSearch"] = function: 000000009D76D208,
["Stock"] = { [0] = userdata: 0000000086A8F388,} ,
["SetItemLocationCallback"] = function: 000000009D76D908,
["GetItemButtonIconTexture"] = function: 00000000E9835060,
["GetItemLink"] = function: 000000009D76D550,
["OnHide"] = function: 0000000003668708,
["GetItemInfo"] = function: 000000009D76D4A8,
["SetIsExtended"] = function: 0000000003669578,
["readable"] = false,
["PostOnEvent"] = function: 000000009D76D1D0,
["SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor"] = function: 00000000E9834FE0,
["SlotBackground"] = { [0] = userdata: 000000008FEA9EA0,} ,
["GetMatchesSearch"] = function: 000000009D76D240,
["SetItemButtonBorderVertexColor"] = function: 00000000E9834FA0,
["Reset"] = function: 000000009D76D390,}
This being said: where is the supposed frame that was returned previously and or is there any other way of getting the previous macro work?
ps. excuse the partially ugly / non existent formatting in nested tables, I’ll format when a proper documentation to this is implemented in a wiki
edits: add second dump etc