I craft blues gear my alts of the best quality and send them to may main and disenchant them but over half the Gleaming Shards I get are lowest quality. I then shatter them to get Storm Dust which will also be lowest quality. Sometimes when shattering silver shards I even get bronze dust
I’m maxed out in the whole Designated Enchanter tree, including Rare Ressourcing and I find it highly unreward to still get so many low quality shards.
Is there something I’m missing here?
I don’t think so. Enchanting is just a very poor profession at the moment It’s the same for me. That was not worth the investment imo
Enchanting skill matters a lot. So you should make sure you have the skill points from the profession equipment and ideally also 100/100 profession skill. Blood elves have a slight edge on everyone else.
Also, shattering shards to dust is always absolutely limited to the quality of the shard, so if you have the lowest quality shard, no matter what your skill is, you will get the lowest quality dust.
The quality of the item you disenchant probably doesn’t matter at all. At least that’s what I have found.
Material costs seem to have gone up (at least weavercloth) and as a result, dust and shard prices have climbed. Crystal prices are totally unrelated (Siren Isle epics are just too easy to farm). I think without Leyline Residue, epic disenchanting would be dead. There’s overproduction of crystals, because the sideproducts are still needed and there’s very little demand for crystals, because the enchanting recipes were tuned for the expansion at launch (when epics were somewhat scarce and there was more dust from disenchanted quest reward greens).