Disengage rework idea I had in the Shower

Since Blizzard isn’t giving us squat for now, I worked some fantasies in my head just for the heck of it.

Disengage → Hit and run (40 yards): The hunter rushes the target and leaps on him dealing minor damage and somersaults (we’re an agility spec you know?) back the same distance. The target becomes vulnerable.

Acrobatic shot (40 yards / 20s CD / no focus) : An acrobatic shot that deals major damage to a vulnerable target. Damage is doubled if hunter is leaping back.

Kick to the throat (Talent) : Hit and run interrupts spell casting.

It would be a cool looking ability that would create interesting uses in PVE and PVP and allow creative movements while keeping it interactive and useful damage wise. It is somewhat similar to the DH’s vengeful retreat but why should they have all the cool visuals?

Any feedback on this is appreciated :slight_smile:

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i’d already be happy with a disengage glyph that propells you forward instead of backwards in order to prevent this from happening at all

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