Disgusting DK Reanimation in Arena

If you were any class besides destro lock or fire mage that would something we could clap for but stacking traits and one shotting with a chaos bolt that’s quite mmeeeeehhhh.


That’s the whole point of the post :slight_smile: thanks for understanding it :stuck_out_tongue:

LMAO you must be bloody effin horrid at this game if you are legit complaining about the worst UH talent in the game haha.

Why is it akways some sub 2k pleb moaning on these forums? Blizz should require a minimum of 2.4 3v3 XP to be able to even post in this section so we don’t see stupid posts like this…

Maybe they should ban stupid comments from dks?

You just didn’t understand the meaning of the post, like most other dks of the rest.
He did not attack the dk class, but attacked the playstyle of THAT dk…
But you’re the classic player who only sees what he cares about like in the post where you generally criticized the druids, so you can’t make a constructive speech. still good game.

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Ohh thats why he wrote those dmg numbers, and said how ability was doing insane dmg and stunning…oook. What next? Ppl will make topics about others fighting back? :smiley:

Didn’t stop Drae from doing his thing.

You didn’t understand the meaning of my post and that specific quote. You can’t say that “oh they are so bad, we 1 shotted him” when your class is disgustingly broken and everyone is aware of that except of some delusional warlocks and their teammates (you) who is complaining about something that only works on 1.6k because nobody else play it because its horrible vs people who know what they are doing.

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