Disgusting DK Reanimation in Arena

It is absolutely disgusting…
Just had an arena against an UH DK that has done THE ENTIRE ARENA (!!!) without touching me cause zombies were spawning from nowhere doing insane dmg and stunning!!
3.1M dmg: 2.35 from that…
This is disgusting…there is just no way a melee can do those kind of dmg in that kind of way, spamming Reanimation and just running…
(btw his druid was so bad we one-shotted him soooo…big GGs to them)
EDIT: i was trying to upload some screenshots but i can’t include links…have them saved in case are needed)

Shall blizz nerf 1 more pvp talent?

Nobody plays reanimation because they have 1 hp, die to aoe and do way too little damage to be useful


Thank God is not whisperer again

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Use Aoe …

Thats it, they have 5 health, you can breathe at them and they die

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Lol @ destro lock brain. 11/10


hardest spec to play :slight_smile:

jk it promotes bad gameplay>


LOL, and the dk with that playstyle how much brain does it have?

yeah, but as a destro lock you can’t spend every shard on aoe just because an unholy dk is running the whole arena. In fact yes, it’s easy to counter, i don’t think a melee class must have a gameplay such that. I think it’s just disgusting it’s allowed. Imagine a caster that does massive dmg by melee with the weapon when locked on cast…i donèt think it is how it’s supposed to be the game, mostly after those class identity works blizz has put on since legion.
Just doesn’t seems a good thing for the game. That’s it :slight_smile:

lmao no need for armory the post tells you everything

Rofl looks like you also forgot your IQ in cat form while passively healing.

He said that they were so bad that the warlock managed to 1 shot druid, maybe if he wouldn’t play warlock only he would realize they are so broken and one mistake can lead to this in a 10 min + dampening game its very likely someone gonna do mistake.

Lol you won by 1 shoting heal with some insane chaos ball but a unused pvp talant need nerf
Get good no one play reanimation

So you saying noone should counter your destros bolts? How dare they to make me spend shards on smth else!!! reeeeeeeee!!!

Plus usually you have a teammate… Disc/Holy ? Holy Nova the zombies. Holy Pala ? Consecration. Druid ? Swipe. Monk ? Spinning Crane Kick. The only lack of AoE to kill them would be with a Resto Shaman unless I forgot about their AoE.


Yeah thats why im wasting my time in work on this forum. Very funny

guys i know zombies are bad easy to kill but isnt it annoying game style if dk decide to run it

Its not that annoying as getting through all that healing for 20 minutes :smiley:

I dont get it why casters especially locks cry about an anticaster class like dk wtf Im warrior and i find hard times against frost mages but i dont cry about it cause if i manage to connect to them he gets rekt

Which would probably be reality if he didn’t have Temporal Shield to laugh at your attempt at dealing damage to him.
Ice Barrier is annoying as well.

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Sad truth i agree we are getting slowed by everything frost cast well as fury is a bit better in terms of removing slow