Disgusting enlisted buff and alliance dominating

Remove this SHIET or be equal… 45 min need to complete 2 world quest because all spot 4-5 ally camping…DISGUSTING BLIZZARD AND THIS IDEAS SUCKS GIVE 300000000000% to alliance.


And when horde was pretty much camping everywhere pre 8.1. And the alliance was complaining that they cant do anything…

What did horde say?..oh right.

“Thats pvp! Don’t like it? Turn off WM! Stop crying and grow a pair!”


Everyone knows, that the ally is the favorite Blizzard faction. :smiley:
Just look at the pathetic lore.


So you got so used to being on outnumbering side that now, when you actually need to do something to win - you what? cry on forums demanding someone else to do that for you?


Seems like a reasonable solution!

War Mode is a sandbox. Nobody owes you anything. You already have all tools to solve your problems (other ppl, groups, general chat, communities, LFG). You made your own conscious decision to turn it ON - so now you have to use these tools, and you have to do it yourself.

But if you’re in War Mode to

then do yourself a favor, and turn it off.


I love youuuu <3


There were no Alliance to fight so we Just went to do WQs instead and that meant we were walking around a lot

Personally I never camped and I never attacked someone who already died once first to me (if they attack me sure I’ll try to kill them again)

Most of my 3v1 fights was me not wanting to wait for this Alliance to kill that rare and Just by chance 2 other hordes showing up seperately from eachother

To see it escalate into 45min corpse farming tho, with 4-5 men that’s intentional but at the other hand, its only 4-5 people

4-5 man can be overcome easily by grouping up, the Warmode is there for you to enjoy pvp between and at WQs, if you do not enjoy pvp Warmode isnt the right choice

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I remember waiting 20 minutes to kill one mob for a world quest, because it was swarmed by horde. I was surfing in the meantime. Gave up after the 20 minutes. - HS’d and turned off warmode. Only saw approx. 5 alliance during that time.
It’s fun, isnt it?


and now? horde turn off the WM because the 10% is not worth and alliance enjoy the 30% buff without difficiulity??? horde is only got 10% before patch

Alliance dominating? LUL.

Obviously people experience differences too big to get a good Idea about what is going on, already had some fun with some shards where either horde or Alliance dominates by huge numbers; but hardly one where it was even
Tbh at this point until we know how the sharding works there’s little we can do to improve it

I think (just a guess) the problematic part is sharding in combination with “phasing” (i.e. cross realm groups, LFG). This is probably where balanced shards become regularly imbalanced.


Even if in WM to PvE, you can still group up and deal with them. If it’s slowing you down too much, you are better turning off WM.

Just disable warmode and problem solved. What the point of having warmode enabled if you hate pvp?


gonna say it again, the buff is for the underpresent faction, if all horde would turn it off then horde gets 30% next reset

We have the buff for 3 weeks now so i think there are still more horde then Alliance running in warmode


This is the perfect comment


Being ganked is the whole risk of having WM on, heck people can use the addons to get into groups to phase out when doing WQs so the only reason to not have WM on is if you just don’t like PVP.

But with the current change, the 30% is triple the reward you would originally get than the standard 10%. So us remaining WM horde players are at a loss on bonus and incentive to get other horde to wm on. What happened to the same risk same reward? Because before the change there was still plenty of alliance ganking squads around, its a bit sad alliance ended up turning WM off though to cause this change.

But now its just turned into a bandwagon where they would be silly to miss out on the bonus, so I can’t blame the alliance.

The system will just ping pong between both sides if horde turn off WM. Not much of a fix imo.

Wm is NOT about getting more rewards, but about the pvp. When will people finally understand this? The reward is low in the first place, and is only there to make world pvp more attractive and NOT to satisfy greedy pve players who apparently cannot possibly miss out on that extra 20 AP from a WQ.

WQ rewards arent even high, 10%, even 30% barely makes a difference.


Cant even get a group together on Alliance anymore. Alliance are mostly traitors to the WM cause. Been over an hour in Nazmir , we manage to get 7 people to kill or not kill 40 horde.

You shouldn’t need an xp boost to do pvp. If you want to pvp you’d have it on, if you don’t you turn it off

Buffs shouldn’t even be on it


Oh, Look, alliance FINALLY has numbers to fight the horde, and now they can do same, as horde before 8.1. Funny, how unfair it is, once youre on the recieving end.

PS. Shoulda taken screenshots of two large horde raids(i know its probably many groups of 5 cooperating, dont worry) running in the assault zones for hours i witnessed in last few days. Seems not only alliance does this. It almost feels like people of both factions now form a group and fight. Was fun avoiding them, and killing off stragglers with my hunter buddy. In the end, this warmode is amazing, once you find group of likeminded people, to hunt some enemies together. And assaults are best thing, that happened to pvp in this game for a long time.

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