Dismayed we are heading into beta

Compared to some of the classes especially paladin that already had a rework shaman is looking neglected and underwhelming


Yeah, even the discord and theorycrafters said that its kind of dangerous that we are left so late into alpha. And that was BEFORE announcing beta.

I just hope that they surprise us in a good way, but each week seems darker and darker with no spec tree change or totemic change.

But what to do?.. Time will tell.

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It dissapointing to say the least… Trully…

Every other spec in the game has had some tuning. And the ones that did not, at least their class did.

Shamans got NADA. For all 3 specs. Its really disappointing.

Especially because there is no way in hell you can tune Hero Talents with broken talent trees. Its a waste of time to do so.

I was expecting atleast a communication. Some test stating what the “direction” they want to go to. But we got nothing… Its sad, sad sad…

They better have some amazing changes down the road for shaman. Like “jaw dropping” changes…

Remember what Kaivax said about Totemic :

  • “[…] The goal with this totem was to create an option that alleviates some maintenance in your rotation without adding extra abilities as well as having a meaningful new totem to pay attention to.”
  • Current Windfury Totem lasts 2 minutes, Surging Totem lasts 20 seconds.
    → Adds some extra maintenance to your rotation by adding an extra abilitiy

So, when even PR fails to understand what is currently being implemented for some Hero Talent, you can ask yourself…
Do they even know what the direction is ?

right to the trashbin, similar as in Doggoflight

Correct. As I said : Hero talents make no sense with out a talent revamp.

They should have first done that. And THEN get into the hero talents.

Although your statement does hold for RShaman in the case of Totemic.

I wish just using some of our abilities would drop some low value totems. Like using lava burst would drop fireball totem or stormstrike would drop windfury totem or riptide healing tide totem. Maybe even make it so that we could have multiple of these totems out at the same time and at the same time make it so that more specialized totems wind rush totem or poison cleansing totem are still available as separate abilities to be used in specific cases. But that is just me.

Stormbringer enhancement shammy looks great

but totemic and farseer are terrible hero talents

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