Disorients and Incapacitates should merge

These CC categories exist for the singular purpose so they can’t DR with each other.
There’s nothing that seperates them really, they’re both rendering a target harmless for a little bit and they break on damage.

I’m not against CC chains, I think it shows skillful play and seperates the noob from the champion, but I’m getting to a point where I can sort of start to see a pattern on what comps work well together and why they’re often S-tier.

To pick a comp from each bracket as an example, nothing suits better than survival+Rdruid and RMD.
These comps abuse in and out the fact that they can use an easy to land incapacitate (free hunter trap or poly), and then it’s relatively easy to follow it up with a disorient.
Regardless of the circumstances, nobody should be rewarded with 16 seconds of CC by getting 2 actions off.

There should just be stuns, roots, knockbacks, incapacitates and silences and that’s it. Disorient is a meme and is literally just incapacitate but with another name.

Disorient= Blind
Incapacitate= Poly

Right… no.

Who thought that a rogue player will disagree with this ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜
Remember guys rmx is the peaky of skill

Cyclone should share DR regardless of target.

#Change my mind.

If they do that, fire needs something new in place of dragon’s breath as the change would completely destroy the breath-sheep combination. Maybe deep freeze?

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The idea is dumb? Fear, coil, blind, sap, poly, db, clone, imprison, rof, gouge, paralysis, hex, trap, repent, mc, int shout, blinding light would all be on the same dr…

Like how is that a good thing?

The main problem in my opinion is the fact that some comp got way too much dmg and cc chain, the cc chain is not a problem but combined with insane dmg there is nothing you can do to counter it.

Like rmx/jungle/php etc… But I guess they will never change something cause other comps will struggle if they nerf the entire cc

Have you learned to spell biased yet?

It would dumb down the game. It would destroy cc comps, either that or the damage needs to be ramped up massively to make them competitive which I’m sure would be welcomed by the forum people who have no problem with mage burst at the moment.

It would still be dumb.

Also, wouldn’t this be a nerf to feral comps? See, I mentioned poly and blind, but surely even you get that it wouldn’t just affect those cc’s?

No compensation and all that would be left is some dampener comps that run around for 10-15 min before pulling off their amazing finish.

It’s a big change and requires follow changes, but in the long term I believe it’s a healthy change.
Like I said, I’m not against CC chains when executed properly, but the fact that you can get something as easily as a freezing trap off (harpoon roots haha) and then just press blind for a full 16 seconds is too easy.
Wanna cast blind as a follow up CC to a incap? Alright, but let it be DR’d then to 4 seconds. 12 seconds is enough time to kill somebody.

People are against putting a CD on poly and clone, but they also want RMX to be less dominant.
What are the alternatives?

There is one alternative:
Buff Enhancer and Buff Bm-Hunter
Beastcleave is the natural counter of RMX

Well I have fairly big fingers compared to my mobile screen and rarely doublechecking what I wrote but next time I will so even cherry picking retards like you can understand.

Well at this point I would take that just to see rmx destroyed completely, since it is the most retardproof comp out there. You can fail as much as you want still you can’t be punished.

Also rm DMG is way too high for the cc and defensives they have so idk what compensation you want. Assa has more sustained than the speccs which revolved around sustained damage for ages and for some reason those specc are dead.
It’s only you who can’t pass 1800 for 2 xpacks even with the broken state of rogues.
But sure go on and try to shame me for some typos.
I never said it’s a good change I pointed out that the first comment is from someone who plays a rogue since they would be the ones suffering the most from this change. But as I said I’m willing to give it a go just to see RM not being viable for a single season in the games history.

The cc of rmx is not the problem. It’s the retarded dmg they do + ms effect.

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You say CC chains are skillfull

But in the same post you say nobody should be rewarded with 16 secounds of CC by getting 2 actions off … that is pretty much CC chain, no?

Maybe im too PvE for this post

Cc chains are skillful when you have to cast to get them because you have to juke kicks, otherwise like a warry said on top for example a comp like hunter/rogue you can easily
stun>trap>blind>sap and this is way too much for an instant and there is nothing you can do to avoid/counter that anymore.

twd or dhdk can cc me way more than a rmpd xd

I knew you would say this.


So you can’t even get your rating bashing right. Man. Must be hard.



But I guess you will blame this on your phone as well? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah. My rogue is totally the main character I done pvp on. Not mostly for 2’s and random bg’s. ><

Hilarious. Sh’t like this can only come from you.

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