Display of current quests on the map

Sup y’all

as we got the prepatch last week I started leveling up some alts and I immediatly noticed: it’s pretty hard to follow active quests on the map now (if you got more than one in the same area). Before the prepatch if you got for example 7 quests in the area they get numbered 1 to 7 and you could easily identify which area resembles each quest. Now every active quest on the map got a “…” symbol. It’s slightly annoying (and also a really unnecessary change I feel like). Is this maybe just a bug or am I missing something here?



It’s not a bug, it’s a “feature”. This is an intentional and deliberate change that:

  • Was definitely inspired by someone who doesn’t do quests
  • Was definitely programmed by someone who doesn’t do quests
  • Was definitely quality checked by someone who doesn’t do quests
  • Was definitely approved by someone who doesn’t do quests

“If it’s not broken, do not fix it” is something that Blizz has never understood. And yea it looks terrible.


I knew that something bothered me after the patch while looking at the map!

Now i cant unsee it.

The new symbols are pleasing to look at (except the … thing) but know i dont get any information. What is … even supposed to mean? Numbers from 1 to n were pretty clear.

Working as a dev myself, let me quote a former colleague: “If we change it, it will be different, but will it be better?”

I don’t get the redesign either. Dailies are now exactly the same as weeklies. The colours are also barely different, a choice between faint white and faint blue.

Something tells me this is just the “new employee has to justify the role by changing what the old employee put in place” problem. But instead of faffing around with this, they could have put reward icons on the WQs so you didn’t have to filter or mouseover them. You could just see them. It’s the only reason I use World Quest Tracker.

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