
I’ve never felt the need to go as far as put in a complaint about the WoW story writing before but after seeing the latest Anduin cinematic today, it made angry.

We’ve had years of half-finished storylines, retcons, and backtracking and the fact that Arthus appears on screen as a quest reward of anima is shocking, and not in a good way. After reading the book “Arthus”, I have never wanted redemption and everyone to forgive him. Yes, he was controlled but I also think some of it was just who he was. Arthus wasn’t truly evil, not like Sargeras or the like. He was just a man who at the time was struggling to do the right thing, and due to circumstances out of his control, is basically enslaved mind, body and soul and never given the chance to repent. He at least deserved the chance to try to make right what he had done. Arthus and Illidan are very similar characters, but only one was given the story arc he deserved. The other cast out of existence because no one had the time/desire/ability? to write a properly cohesive story. The team being so intent on having a Sylvanas expansion due to them not liking her character, wanting a strong female character (sorry but as a female, there is nothing strong or endearing qualities represented that I would want to see in myself!), who knows…

It was implied during the Covenant campaign (one of the quests around “Step into the light” I think), that Uther would try to at least find Arthus’ soul to allow it to have fair judgement, that each soul should rightfully have, regardless of what they have done. I have never been so excited for what was possibly to come since the Blizzcon reveal for Deathwing (I’d literally just finished reading the War of the Ancients and Day of the Dragon books)! This doesn’t happen so Uther can’t have the proper ending to his story that he should and Arthus literally disappears into nothingness. This quite frankly lazy story writing is an insult to Wow’s loyal lore fans! Uther should have faced what he did as he took it upon himself to make judgement and he doesn’t even get punished for it. Some would say, what he went through during Bastion was enough but in my eyes he was no better than Arthus at that point.

What would have been a better storyline in my opinion, would have been for us to go with Uther to find Arthus hidden away in Torghast possibly, just like we did with the others. Uther and Arthus could have had their time to say the things they needed to say. Arthus, being the noble and overly righteous person he was, should have volunteered to stay in the Maw as punishment to become the new Jailer. This would have mirrored WC3 and been a nice tie in to Icecrown (Torghast is literally overlooking Icecrown!). The different areas of the Shadowlands then have their respective leaders again. This also doesn’t give him the redemption players don’t want, and gives you the option to have him appear again if you so wished. Arthus doesn’t deserve redemption as such, but he did deserve to at least allow his soul to be at rest and not violated anymore. It also would of allowed him to evolve as a human being to realise he had done to others, just as was happening to him, through his own choice or not.

Clearly their intent was to try to finish up the storyline direction that Sylvanas was taking as quickly as possible. She has so much hatred for Arthus, it’s a part of her being, that when she finally gets the chance to face him (or the pathetic blob that’s left of him), is to say “I hated you, hunted you and with each selfish act became you. That is my burden to bear.” To say this was a disappointment doesn’t come close. As someone who unfortunately deals with a similar feeling of hatred for an abuser, no way would this have been her first thought to say. She would have raged, gotten emotional and then come to the realisation that she became him. Then she would have gone on her path to put right what she had done. If anything, she deserves to be the “blob” not Arthus as she willing and knowingly did those things. The worst he did was when he was under the control of the Jailer. But because you want to keep her in game as a strong female character (you already have many, Jaina, Thallysra, Tyrande!), she gets let off. Maybe you’ve decided she will get Arthus’ redemption by possibly staying in the Shadowlands etc and we’ve not seen it as its to come in a future quest, if that’s the case, I’m done.

I personally hate all these convoluted systems the team seems adamant on putting into the game, and it’s been the lore that has kept me coming back and paying my subs. The fact that the writers chose such a route leaves me wondering if they actually care about all the hard work that has been put in over the years and have any intention of having continuity going forward. Do they even go back and read their own lore so things to come make sense and flow nicely. I’ve given up on ever having an expansion that flows nicely from the previous ones. From the leaks I have seen regarding 10.0 and the Dragon Isles, this should have been done during Cataclysm! Another example of the lore being brushed off quickly. Galakrond is mentioned in Wrath but unless you’d read the book (which everyone I know who plays WoW has never read!) you’d have no idea of the impact he truly had! He was the reason the Aspects got their powers in the first place!

I apologise if this comes across as “ranty” but as someone who literally owns every WoW storybook and manga ever written and only plays to experience the story, I’m finding it harder and harder to remain loyal to the WoW universe I’ve come to love, and the fact I’ve slowly become more and more disillusioned to the quality of the story concerns and saddens me greatly.


I’ll admit I didn’t read all of this. But I read a decent chunk of it. But I damn well agree that they did Arthas dirty.

The only reason I came back to WoW for Shadowlands was because of the Bastion Afterlives Animation they released pre-launch. Turns out it was PURE LORE BAIT.

The writing team have utterly failed the original fans and any new fans that have a good knowledge of the old story-lines.


Is how I’d describe how 9.2 treated LITERALLY the poster child of the Warcraft franchise. And no I don’t think that’s a hot take.


You’re absolutely right, I wrote the same thing on the forum. But in a shorter version.

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Yeah I was on a roll haha. So much frustration that’s been held in for years boiling over!

This is the part I can’t believe they didnt realise, with the whole Anduin braking the sword freeing himself, that implies the moment you get the weapon you forfeit control to the jailer, meaning Arthas himself had no control over his actions following the moment he picked up Frostmorne, meaning he has no moral culpability it also utterly retcons the the ending cutscene for ICC, because with the added context what does “is it over” really mean? Is it the dying Arthas asking if the ordeal of being controlled is over? Also Uther casting Arthas into the maw now has huge moral implications, and if it was Arthas used to forge the ruinblade Uther is indirectly responsible for anduin getting dominated in the first place.


Yep it’s so disheartening. I can’t look at Uther in the same way anymore.

I really want to go back and reread some of the books ready for next expansion but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Feels like a waste of time because I dare say they’ve not read them either and will just make it up as they go along!

I am as well very very disapointed

This is beyond words

I was expecting a big finale :

  • to this Shadowlands expansion
  • to ending 9.0 and going into 10.0 a new beginning / era

In the end Arthas , one of the most historical figures of Warcraft since Warcraft 3 and before , is spitted on

First Arthas gets grabbed by Uther and thrown in the disposable dispenser Maw
Then Arthas gets disenchanted into anima ?

What kind of pathetic ending of a story is this ?

Many WoW players are from the Classic + Burning Crusade + Wrath of the Lich King eras

Due to this very poor story telling , you Blizzard expect players to return ?

TONS and TONS of players have quit since they heard and saw the cinematic of Arthas totally disappearing and becoming history and to be forgotten

Yet you beg players to return , sending your email to come back ?

Are you dreaming ?

WoW is Warcraft

The Lore
The Story

But you dont make any sense with the story anymore


To be fair, the big finale hasn’t happened yet, we should expect whatever we would expect to come with the downing of the Jailer, not Anduin.

But, in advertisements of Shadowlands Blizz used Arthas, all these videos, all these moments in Uther’s quests led to 20 seconds of this?

Blizzard 2020: “We want to be careful with Arthas in SL and honor his memory and legacy”

Blizzard 2022: “May Arthas fade into nothingness and be forgotten”

What the fel is this?


Cata: Alliance, sorry, we didn’t have time to make content for you.
MoP: Alliance, sorry, we run into technical dificuties trying to make content for you.
WoD: Alliance+Horde, sorry we became lazy and didn’t wanted to make more content for you. At least we were lazy equally, this time.
Legion was better, but even there Argus was rushed.
Not to mention the big mess BfA was.

Didn’t you see the pattern yet? Big promises and excuses after.

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I just saw the ending cinematic of Shadowlands raid , of this expansion

What kind of sad pathetic crap is this ?

First Arthas gets spitted on and gets disenchanted into anima

Then the Jailer a new “villain” introduced in this expansion , becomes a robot ?

Where is the story ?

Where is the sense ?

What is the bigger threat , the Teletubbies ?

World of Warcraft story throughout the expansions and the years , has become more and more senseless

Check youtube BLIZZARD , all comments put there

A great game turned into a joke because the story doesnt make sense anymore

Well, that one is explained, though. The pantheon of death is all robots. That’s why the prototype pantheon is a raid boss. It’s a stupid idea, but it doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s what Zereth Mortis is about, sad as it is.

At the end of the cinematic , the way to Shadowlands gets closed like that ?

Like " POOF " ?

It is like what i have when i got diarrhea and use medicine to stop it from flodding

Just check the video

The comments


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They wanted a new big bad, but hadn’t put the effort in to show us who he was as a character. You can’t just go “here’s a new baddie, he likes killing and torturing things.” Theyve just told us in the new cinematic that he wanted to basically join everyone together because of more bad. Why? Why is he afraid, how did he know about it? I use the word basically as that is what the writing team have done, given us a basic outline of what they want the story to be but not bothered to fill in the massive gaps. All this stuff is literally taught to kids in English Lit classes, how to write a story, but Blizz seems unable to follow the basic principles.

This thread is the first time I’ve ever posted on the forums. It shouldn’t have been because I’m at my wits end trying to understand why the quality of writing has dropped so quickly. In game the last few expansions we’ve had a slow decline but come shadowlands it launched itself off a cliff. At least we’ve always had the books on the side to fill in the gaps. We haven’t had that because the Sylvanas book has been delayed so much, not sure how much of that is Blizzards fault though.

If that book doesn’t fill in the blanks from in game, I’m probably done. When the community together can come up with a better narrative, what’s the point anymore. You might as well put out a poll and say which beginning, middle and end do you want.

Wtf were the last 3 cinematics man? just wtf have they done…


Remember that we lost Vol’jin and got Arthas, Kel’thuzad, Elune and the factions ruined and Teldrassil destroyed and the entire concept of death and afterlife ruined for this. :clown_face:

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