Dissension Amongst the Ranks... (Bugged) (Classic TBC)

Hi all,

Thanks for the reports!

Just wanted to let you know we’re aware of this issue and working on a fix.

Do still report it in-game if you’ve come across it though, as it helps with scoping and prioritizing fixes for common issues.

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Hello, any news on this?

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Do you really expect them to fix bugs overnight?

Thanks for the laugh.

Have you reported it as a bug ingame as Tyrskorn suggested? The more information they have, the more likely they are to be able to fix it.

I have the same issue, tried bug reporting ingame but it keeps sending me in a loot and not actually letting me report a bug ingame. :frowning:

We have the same problem. The mobs don’t count…

If you look at Saneko’s post further up the thread, it explains exactly how to report a bug ingame.

Right thanks, didnt see that.

You can submit a bug report if you follow the instructions to this big Anub’Arak icon here.

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Still bugged.

It’s been bugged for 14 years.

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It’s fixed.

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Hey Tyrskorn,

I thought it would be the best idea to reply to your post, since you are a blizzard employee and as it seems close to the topic.

I had the same issue with completing the quest “Dissension Amongst the Ranks…” as probably everyone reading this forum entry, which is fixed now.

But there is another issue with this quest in general, which I and a lot of my guild mates and probably a lot of people around the world are facing at the moment or in the future related to the “Kor’kron Flare Gun” Quest Item.

Since I knew that the quest is bugged at the moment and I’m not able to complete it, I abandoned the quest and deleted the Flare Gun, which as I know now is a huge mistake because you can’t get it back anymore. If you pick up the quest again by talking to the NPC which has to be spawned via another persons flare gun, you get back the tabard related to the quest but not the Flare Gun, which is also required to complete the quest in the end. This leaves me and probably a lot of other people unable to complete the quest entirely without the help of a blizzard employee, since the item restoration service does’nt work for quest items.

Maybe there is a way to change the quest slightly so you also get the flare gun as you accept the quest.

Hello, I am not able to finish the quest Dissensions Amongst the Ranks on Heartstriker - DE as an alliance player. We tried several things out and the quest objective is not counting up.

Best Regards

Edit: Thread merged into this one~

I also have this issue.

  • I tried reporting in game and there is no actual way TO report bugs in game. It just keeps sending you here and there without any actual way to post a bug.

So the big “Submit feedback or bug report” button isn’t a clue on how to submit a bug?

Also, this has been bugged since the real TBC.

One more thing, did you need to make a new thread about this?

Specsavers open tomorrow. You should make an appointment if you can’t see the big button with a picture of a giant bug (Anub’arak) and the words “Submit feedback or Report a bug” underneath it.

I mean, the button is ONLY the very first thing on the support page, its only QUITE LARGE, and clearly labelled. There have only been a bajillion images on these forums with arrows actually pointing to the button…

Therefore I can only assume people are being intentionally blind to it, for the sake of whining.

You can submit a bug report if you follow the instructions to this big Anub’Arak icon.

Ignore my complains above, I’m just stupid. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you deleted your “Kor’kron Flare Gun” like I did, there is an implemented way to get it back.

Talk to “Overlord Or’barokh” in Shadowmoon Village (Coords: 28.5, 26.5) and he will give you a new one.

Apologies for the inconveniences