Divergent guild recruiting

9/9 h main team, looking for dedicated raiders for progression into mythic. Tank, druid healer and warlock. main raid day is Friday 1900-2200 ST. We can provide food, pots etc, we just need your time, and dedication for progression. Team two is being formed, for those who wish to do heroic raiding, currently 6/9, all classes are being considered, again dedication for at least one evening per week is required.

Hi there .
Quick question are you taking socials .
I do raid but due to my job I find raiding on set days and times quite difficult but will always help out when I can .
If you are able to take on a social player then I’m interested as the guild I’m in don’t really talk that munch and life playing wow can be very dull without others to chat and have some fun with .
If your still interested then feel free to hit me up .
Redillian .

Yes, of course socials are always welcome, and we have a social raid day on thursdays which is for anyone to join.

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